Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

"A Learning Progression for Elementary Students’ Functional Thinking," Ana C. Stephens, Nicole Fonger, Susanne Strachota, Isil Isler, Maria Blanton, Eric Knuth & Angela Murphy Gardiner, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2017.

"Arizona’s Rising STEM Occupational Demands and Declining Participation in the Scientific Workforce: An Examination of Attitudes among African Americans toward STEM College Majors and Careers," Jerlando F. L. Jackson, LaVar J. Charleston, Chance W. Lewis, Juan E. Gilbert, Walter P. Parrish III, Texas Education Review, 2017.

"The Bubbler as Systemwide Makerspace: A Design Case of How Making Became a Core Service of the Public Libraries," Erica Halverson, Alexandra Lakind, Rebekah Willett, International Journal of Designs for Learning, 2017.

"Educational Technology Support for Collaborative Learning With Multiple Visual Representations in Chemistry," Sally P. W. Wu and Martina A. Rau, CSCL 2017 Proceedings, 2017.

"How Technology and Collaboration Promote Formative Feedback: A Role for CSCL Research in Active Learning Interventions," Sally P. W. Wu and Martina A. Rau, CSCL 2017 Proceedings, 2017.

"A Mixed-Methods Approach for Studying Collaborative Learning Processes at Individual and Group Levels," Catherine Dornfeld, Naxin Zhao, and Sadhana Puntambekar, CSCL 2017 Proceedings, 2017.

"Integrating Physical and Virtual Models in Biology: A Study of Students’ Reasoning While Solving a Design Challenge," Nicole D. Martin, Dana Gnesdilow, and Sadhana Puntambekar, CSCL 2017 Proceedings, 2017.

"Fair Play: A Study of Scientific Workforce Trainers’ Experience Playing an Educational Video Game about Racial Bias," Anna Kaatz, Molly Carnes, Belinda Gutierrez, Julia Savoy, Clem Samuel, Amarette Filut, and Christine Maidl Pribbenow, CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2017.

"Data Driven Decision-Making in the Era of Accountability: Fostering Faculty Data Cultures for Learning," Matthew T. Hora, Jana Bouwma-Gearhart, and Hyoung Joon Park, The Review of Higher Education, Spring 2017.

"An Adaptive Collaboration Script for Learning with Multiple Visual Representations in Chemistry," Martina A. Rau, Hannah E. Bowman and John W. Moore, Computers and Education, June 2017.

Designing and Assessing Risk-Sharing Models for Federal Student Aid,” Nicholas Hillman, report for WISCAPE, December 2016. 

What Style of Leadership Is Best Suited to Direct Organizational Change to Fuel Institutional Diversity in Higher Education?” Ryan Adserias, LaVar Charleston and Jerlando Jackson, Race Ethnicity and Education, December 2016. 

Education Deserts: The Continued Significance of “Place” in the Twenty-First Century,” Nicholas Hillman and Taylor Weichman, report for the American Council on Education, 2016. 

Individual Differences in Nonsymbolic Ratio Processing Predict Symbolic Math Performance,” Percival Matthews, Mark Rose Lewis, Edward Hubbard, Psychological Science, 2016. 

Build an Early Foundation for Algebra Success,” Eric Knuth, Ana Stephens, Maria Blanton and Angela Gardiner, Kappan, 2016. 

Culturally Responsive Research Rubric for Experimental Intervention Studies: The Development of a Rubric for Paradigm Expansion,” Aydin Bal and Audrey A. Trainor, Review of Educational Research, 2016.

On Matrix Sampling and Imputation of Context Questionnaires with Implications for the Generation of Plausible Values in Large-Scale Assessments,” David Kaplan and Dan Su, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 2016. 

"Promoting Student Academic Achievement Through Faculty Development about Inclusive TeachingMegan E. Schmid, Donald L. Gillian-Daniel, Sara Kraemer and Mark Kueppers, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 2016.

Exploring Gender Disparities in Senior-Level Position Attainment in the Academic Workforce: Does Evidence Suggest a Glass Ceiling,” Elizabeth O’Callaghan and Jerlando Jackson, Journal of the Professoriate, 2016.

"State Standards Scratch the Surface of Learning about Political Parties and Ideology," Paula McAvoy, Rebecca Fine, Ann Herrera Ward, The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement, 2016.