Journal Articles
Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:
“What Constitutes Prudent Spending from Private College Endowments? Evidence from Underwater Funds” Drew M. Anderson, Education Finance and Policy, August 2016.
“The Possibilities of Longitudinal Research: Lessons From a Teacher and a Researcher,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, The Educational Forum, August 2016.
“Buy-In” vs. “Allowed In”: Lessons Learned in Family Engagement Program Recruitment and Retention, Susan Smetzer-Anderson and Jackie Roessler of WCER’s PhillyFASTi3 project, Annenberg Institute’s journal, Voices in Urban Education, August, 2016.
“A Closer Look at a Summer Reading Program: Listening to Students and Parents,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Rachel Caloia, Erin Quast and Kelly McCann, The Reading Teacher, July/August 2016.
“Learning about Probability from Text and Tables: Do Color Coding and Labeling through an Interactive-user Interface Help?” Virginia Clinton, Kinga Morsanyi, Martha Alibali and Mitchell Nathan, Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2016.
“TextDNA: Visualizing Word Usage with Configurable Colorfields,” Danielle Albers Szafir, Deidre Stufer, Yusef Sohail and Michael Gleicher, Computer Graphics Forum, 2016.
"Constructing Self-Efficacy in STEM Graduate Education," LaVar Charleston and Raul Leon, Journal for Multicultural Education, 2016.
“A Framework for Considering Comprehensibility in Modeling,” Michael Gleicher, Big Data, June 2016.
“Time in Education: Intertwined Dimensions and Theoretical Possibilities,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Time and Society, June 2016.
"The ASM-NSF Biology Scholars Program: An Evidence-Based Model for Faculty Development," Amy L. Chang and Christine M. Pribbenow, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, May 2016.
"Scaling Up: Adapting a Phage-Hunting Course to Increase Participation of First-Year Students in Research," Nancy L. Staub, Marianne Poxleitner, Amanda Braley, Helen Smith-Flores, Christine M. Pribbenow, Leslie Jaworski, David Lopatto and Kirk R. Anders. Life Sciences Education, Summer 2016.
“Infants Encode Phonetic Detail during Cross-Situational Word Learning,” Paola Escudero, Karen Mulak and Haley Vlach, Frontiers in Psychology, 2016.
“Why Performance-Based College Funding Doesn’t Work,” Nicholas Hillman, report for The Century Foundation, May 2016.
“Reducing Income Inequality in Educational Attainment: Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Financial Aid on College Completion,” Sara Goldrick-Rab, Robert Kelchen, Douglas N. Harris, and James Benson, American Journal of Sociology, 2016.
“A Review of Mathematics and the Body: Material Entanglements in the Classroom,” Elizabeth Pier and Mitchell Nathan, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2016.
“Measuring Teacher Effectiveness Using Value-Added Models of High School Achievement,” Anita Gawade and Robert Meyer, Teachers College Record, 2016.
"Defining Attributes and Metrics of Effective Research Mentoring Relationships," Christine Pfund, Angela Byars-Winston, Janet Branchaw, Sylvia Hurtado, Kevin Eagan. AIDS and Behavior, 2016.
“Educational Expectations and Progress of Community College Students: Does Socialization Matter?” Xueli Wang, Teachers College Record, 2016.
“Improving Access to, Quality, and the Effectiveness of Digital Tutoring in K-12 Education,” Patricia Burch, Annalee Good, Carolyn Heinrich, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2016.
“Four Types of Ensemble Coding in Data Visualizations,” Danielle Albers Szafir, Steve Haroz, Michael Gleicher and Steven Franconeri, Journal of Vision, March 2016.