Working Papers

Exploring Online Internships Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020-21: Results from a Multi-Site Case Study

WCER Working Paper No. 2021-5   June 2021

Author(s): Matthew T. Hora, Changhee Lee, Zi Chen, and Anthony Hernandez

Abstract     Full Paper

Reconsidering Calkins’ Process Writing Pedagogy for Multilingual Learners: Units of Study in a Fourth Grade Classroom

WCER Working Paper No. 2021-4   June 2021

Author(s): Ruslana Westerlund and Sharon Besser

Abstract     Full Paper

Individual Adjustments for Many and Structural Change for Some: Teacher and Staff Perceptions of and Adjustments for High School Students’ Classed Responsibilities Outside of School

WCER Working Paper No. 2021-3   May 2021

Author(s): Annaliese Grant, Eric Grodsky, Maria Velazquez, Rosie Miesner, and Lyn Macgregor

Abstract     Full Paper

A Review of the Literature on Internships for Latinx Students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Toward a Latinx-Serving Internship Experience

WCER Working Paper No. 2021-2   April 2021

Author(s): Matthew T. Hora, Adrian Huerta, Anita Gopal, and Matthew Wolfgram

Abstract     Full Paper

Exploring Making Through Mobile Emergent Technologies: Makerspace Education in Rural Communities

WCER Working Paper No. 2021-1   March 2021

Author(s): Jessie Nixon, Erica Halverson, and Andy Stoiber

Abstract     Full Paper

Practitioners’ Recommendations to Improve the Academic Success of Economically Disadvantaged Students in Wisconsin

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-13   December 2020

Author(s): H. Rose Miesner, Chiara Packard, Taylor Laemmli, and Lyn MacGregor

Abstract     Full Paper

The Condition of Education in Wisconsin

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-12   December 2020

Author(s): Noah Hirschl and Eric Grodsky

Abstract     Full Paper

"One Internship, Two Internships, Three Internships…More!" Exploring the Socioeconomic and Sociocultural Factors of the Multiple Internship Economy

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-11   December 2020

Author(s): Matthew Wolfgram, Vivien Ahrens, and Zhixuan Wu

Abstract     Full Paper

Equity and Access in the UW System: A Review of Student Applications

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-10   December 2020

Author(s): Daniel Corral, Na Lor, Noah Hirschl and Eric Grodsky

Abstract     Full Paper

The Development of Social Capital Among College Faculty: Investigating Teaching-Focused Personal Networks and Instructional Practice

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-9   October 2020

Author(s): Ross J. Benbow and Changhee Lee

Abstract     Full Paper

A Sociocultural Analysis of Internship Supervision: Insights From a Mixed-Methods Study of Interns at Five Postsecondary Institutions

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-8   September 2020

Author(s): Matthew T. Hora, Matthew Wolfgram, Zi Chen, Jiahong Zhang, and Jacklyn John Fischer

Abstract     Full Paper

A Look Behind the Curtain: Job Search Behaviors of Teachers After Year One

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-7   July 2020

Author(s): Peter Goff, Eunji You, Lydia Gandy-Fastovich, Minseok Yang, Lena Batt, Xin Xie, and Hyunwoo Yang

Abstract     Full Paper

Labor Dynamics of School Principals in Rural Contexts

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-6   May 2020

Author(s): Minseok Yang, Se Woong Lee, and Peter Goff

Abstract     Full Paper

On the Intersectional Amplification of Barriers to College Internships: A Comparative Case Study Analysis

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-5   May 2020

Author(s): Matthew Wolfgram, Tamanna Akram, and Brian Vivona

Abstract     Full Paper

Teaching for Equity: The CLEAR Paradigm

WCER Working Paper No. 2020-4   May 2020

Author(s): Diep Nguyen and Nancy Commins

Abstract     Full Paper