New Grants

Yoon Jeon (YJ) Kim has received a grant of $49,998 from the National Science Foundation for “Sixth International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE24)” through April 30, 2025. (042624)

Sadhana Puntambekar has been awarded $309,649 from the National Science Foundation, in a subcontract from Auburn University, for “An Intelligent Assistant to Support Teachers and Students in Simulation-Based Science Learning” through July 31, 2025. (040224)

Richard Halverson & Christopher Saldaña have received a grant of $2,000,000 from The Wallace Foundation for the “Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership Learning/Mapping Equity Indicators” (CALL-MEI) through Dec 31, 2025. (032624)

Kate Vieira has received a grant of $43,193 from the Spencer Foundation for “Youth Writing for Peace in Colombia: A Collaborative Analysis of Teachers’ and Students' Perspectives” through Aug. 31, 2025. (032624)

Daniel Bolt has been awarded $194,433 from the Institute of Education Sciences, in a subcontract from Education Analytics, for “Refinement and Validation of a Large-Scale Panel Survey of Students' Social-Emotional Learning in Grades 4 through 12 in the COVID Era” through June 30, 2027. (032124)

Shinye Kim has received a grant of $249,973 from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation for “Development of a Culturally and Linguistically Informed Pain Expression Library and Assessment Module” through June 30, 2025. (020624)

Kimber Wilkerson has been awarded $3,285,709 from the Department of Education for “University of Wisconsin-Madison Teacher Residency Program” through Sept. 30, 2028. (012424)

Mariana Castro has received a grant of $350,000 from the National Science Foundation for “Preparing Science Teachers to Engage Multilingual Learners in Scientific Argumentation Through Mixed-Reality Simulations” through Dec. 31, 2026. (112423)