Other Series

WCER and its projects present lectures, workshops and networking series developed for a variety of audiences, including students, faculty, staff and colleagues of UW–Madison, as well as stakeholders, such as educators, public officials, community leaders and the interested public.

Current series include:

Interdisciplinary Training Program Seminar in Education Sciences

This bi-weekly discussion series connects graduate students with peers and experts on topics integral to professional success in education research. Topics selected generally are not taught in common coursework, yet are necessary for success in an education researcher’s career.

Qualitative Methods Group Lectures

Past Events

MEP Research Symposium: Partnering for Progress

MMSD Ricardo Jara, Beth Vaade, Culleen Witthuhn & UW-Madison Katie Eklund, Beth Graue, Eric Grodsky, Katie Ostrander, Bob Mathieu

April 25, 2019, 4-6:30 pm, Spark Building, 821 E. Washington Ave., Madison

ITP Seminar | Barriers & Facilitators in Effectiveness Trials of Family Engagement in Interventions

Garret Hall, Phoebe Jordan, Meghan McMackin, Brandon Lonnerstater, University of Wisconsin--Madison

April 19, 2019, 12 - 1:30 pm, Educational Sciences, Room 259

CCWT: Managing Transitions from College to Work: The ‘Employability’ and Career Readiness Challenge

Michael Tomlinson, Associate Professor, Southampton Education School, University of Southampton, UK

April 10, 2019, Noon-1:30 pm, Ed Sciences 259, 1025 West Johnson Street

From Interests to Investigations: Developing a Research Agenda

Mary Pattillo, Nothwestern University

April 1, 2019, 1:30 - 2:30 pm, Room 159, 1000 Bascom Hall

ITP Seminar | Martina Rau

Martina Rau, Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, UW--Madison

March 29, 2019, 12 - 1:30 pm, Educational Sciences, Room 259

ITP Seminar | Rachel Fish

Rachel Fish, Assistant Professor, New York University--Steinhardt

March 15, 2019, 12 - 1:30 pm, Educational Sciences, Room 259

CCWT | The Challenges of Academic Evaluation in the Field of Public Higher Education in China

Yanhong Liu, Jilin University

March 13, 2019, 11:30 am, 13th floor, Educational Sciences Building

ITP Seminar | Renunciando Servicios: Investigating Which English Learners Waive Language Development

Madeline Mavrogordato, Associate Professor, Michigan State University

March 8, 2019, 12 - 1:30 pm, Educational Sciences, Room 259

For WCER Staff: Lunch & Learn Series Featuring Tech Services & Project Staff

Tech Services and a panel of WCER Projects Staff, Wisconsin Center for Education Research

February 19, 2019, 12 - 1 pm, Educational Sciences, Room 259

Interdisciplinary Training Program Seminar: Enhancing Students’ Mathematics Learning

Martha Alibali, Professor, Dept. of Psychology, UW-Madision

February 1, 2019, 6 - 7:30 pm, Educational Sciences, Room 259

CCWT:  Experiences of Hmoob American Undergraduate Students

Stacey Lee and Cindy Cheng, UW-Madison

February 1, 2019, 12:30 - 1:30, Education Building, 159, 1000 Bascom Mall

Network Book Talk:  Accountability and Opportunity in Higher Education

Gary Orfield, UCLA and Nick Hillman, UW-Madison

January 24, 2019, 11:30 - 12:45, Education Building, 159, 1000 Bascom Mall

ITP Seminar Series “Student Absenteeism and the Opportunity to Learn”

Jaymes Pyne, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology, UW-Madison

November 16, 2018, 12:30 - 1:30, Educational Sciences, Room 259 1025 West Johnson Street

K12 Education in Wisconsin: An Overview

Thomas McCarthy and Emilie Amundson, Communications Director, WI DPI (Thomas), and Chief of Staff, WI DPI (Emilie)

November 14, 2018, 11:00 - 12:00, Wisconsin Idea Room (159) Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall

Wisconsin’s Demographic Changes: Impact on Rural Schools and Communities

Sarah Kemp, Researcher, UW-Madison’s Applied Population Laboratory (APL)

November 13, 2018, 11:30 - 1:00, Educational Sciences, Room 259 1025 West Johnson Street