Media Mentions

Beth Graue on

August 19, 2011

Beth Graue discusses the pros and cons of parents requesting certain teachers for their children (, 19 Aug.).

Mark Connolly in The Chronicle

August 18, 2011

Mark Connolly discusses the mutual influences of teaching and research in STEM fields (The Chronicle, 18 Aug.).

Sara Goldrick-Rab in Inside Higher Ed

August 11, 2011

Sara Goldrick-Rab says, "So long as our colleges and universities continue in this never-ending Race to the Top, that’s going to perpetuate the inequity among students almost no matter what we do to try to bring students along” (Inside Higher Ed, 11 Aug.).

Douglas Harris on

July 29, 2011

Although Wisconsin is at or near the bottom of most measures of disparity between white and black students, Douglas Harris says accountability can help shrink the gap (,  29 July).

Douglas Harris in the Kalamazoo Gazette

July 15, 2011

Douglas Harris comments on a controversial package of tenure reform laws approved by the Michigan Legislature and to be signed into law (Kalamazoo Gazette, 15 July).

Adam Gamoran in the Wisconsin State Journal

July 12, 2011

Adam Gamoran comments on a new initiative to reform how Wisconsin schools are held accountable (Wisconsin State Journal, 12 July).

Sara Goldrick-Rab on the

July 12, 2011

Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris find that scarce Pell grant dollars should be targeted to the neediest students ( 12 July).

Sara Goldrick-Rab in Marketplace

July 8, 2011

Sara Goldrick-Rab says the rising cost of college tuition will discourage more students from low income families (Marketplace, 8 July).

Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris in the Wisconsin State Journal

July 7, 2011

Sara Goldrick-Rab and Douglas Harris find that disadvantaged students were more likely to stay in college if they received a grant from the Fund for Wisconsin Scholars program (Wisconsin State Journal, 7 July).

Doug Harris in the New York Times

July 4, 2011

Doug Harris comments on the NEA's decision to include evidence of student learning in teacher evaluations (New York Times, 4 July)

Bradley Carl in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

July 2, 2011

If there were a magic answer for how to best evaluate teacher effectiveness, somebody would have thought of it a long time ago, says the VARC project's Bradley Carl (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2 July).

Adam Gamoran in Education Week

July 1, 2011

Adam Gamoran comments on proposals for ways to make randomized controlled trial studies more affordable (Education Week, 1 July).

Adam Gamoran in Education Week

June 27, 2011

Policymakers should create new assessments for all STEM subjects, says new a report issued by an NRC committee chaired by Adam  Gamoran (Education Week, 27 June)

Adam Gamoran in the AAAS Science Insider

June 23, 2011

A National Research Council committee chaired by Adam Gamoran reports on ways school can adopt the elements needed for a top-quality science program (AAAS Science Insider, 23 June).

Allan Odden on the

June 17, 2011

Allan Odden comments on how school districts are trying to cope with budget deficits (, 17 June).