Media Mentions

Adam Gamoran in Education Week’s “Futures of School Reform” blog

April 5, 2011

Differentiation and Inequality in Cross-National Perspective: Adam Gamoran in Education Week's "Futures of School Reform" blog.

Allan Odden in Education Week

April 1, 2011

Allan Odden writes that strategic management of human capital in education is about restructuring the entire human resource system (Education Week, 1 April)

Richard Halverson on Mind Shift

March 24, 2011

Richard Halverson discusses trends in the cyberlearning world and their relation to teacher control (Mind Shift, KQED, 24 March).

Douglas Harris in Education Week

March 15, 2011

Douglas Harris and colleagues urge the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards to consider standardized-test scores, alongside other measures of student-learning growth, among the sources of evidence used to award teachers the advanced credential (Education Week, 15 March).

Sara Goldrick-Rab in Inside Higher Ed

February 17, 2011

Sara Goldrick-Rab finds that high school graduates of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to delay college and to experience longer gaps, and are less likely to graduate (Inside Higher Ed, 17 Feb.)

Steve Kimball in the Wisconsin State Journal

February 13, 2011

Steve Kimball says some reform ideas proposed now by a state teachers' union could have helped win Race to the Top funds (Wisconsin State Journal, 13 Feb.).

Madeline Hafner in the Capital Times

February 9, 2011

Minority Student Achievement Network director Madeline Hafner comments on the Madison's school district's efforts to close the achievement gap (Capital Times, 9 Feb.).

John Rudolph on the Journal Sentinel

January 26, 2011

John Rudolph comments on Wisconsin's performance in the recent National Assessment of Educational Progress (Journal Sentinel, 26 Jan.)

Beth Graue in the Badger Herald

January 26, 2011

Beth Graue counters arguments from a Wisconsin state senator who wants to end the expansion of 4-year-old kindergarten  (Badger Herald, 25 Jan.)

Douglas Harris in Education Week

January 26, 2011

Douglas Harris discusses how economists and educators can find common ground in the debate over value-added assessment (Education Week, 26 Jan., registration required).

Allan Odden on

January 21, 2011

Allan Odden is helping Wyoming lawmakers set up a statewide system to measure school accountability (, 21 Jan.).

Richard Halverson on the Journal Sentinel

January 15, 2011

Richard Halverson says instructional materials in digital form will allow schools to choose their resources from multiple vendors that best fit their needs, rather than depending on the monolithic textbooks (Journal Sentinel, 15 Jan.).

David Williamson Shaffer on WTVM

January 2, 2011

David Williamson Shaffer says computer games are not inherently good or bad. . . you should model your decisions just like anything else you choose for your child (WTVM, 2 Jan.) .

Beth Graue in the Wisconsin State Journal & on WHBL

December 30, 2010

Beth Graue advocates for funding new 4K education programs in Wisconsin (Wisconsin State Journal, 29 Dec., WHBL, 30 Dec.)

Douglas Harris in the New York Times

December 26, 2010

Douglas Harris comments on teacher rankings in New York (New York Times, 26 Dec.).