
A Panel Discussion about Careers in Academia
November 15, 2017
Faculty in the School of Education discussed careers in academia. A brief presentation and panel discussion described searching for jobs, participating in on-campus interviews, and negotiating job offers.

Attention and Learning in Young Children
November 15, 2017
Anna Fisher’s talk focused on the development of attention regulation during the preschool period, and its importance for learning when children begin formal schooling.

Matthew Hora, Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions
October 31, 2017
Matthew Hora is a research scientist at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and an assistant professor of Adult and Higher Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In his role as director of the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions he talks here about producing research that has a direct translation to the world of practice.

New Faculty in the School of Education Present Their Work
October 5, 2017
- Jordan Conwell, Sociology, Educational Policy Studies, on race and class inequality in education
- Peter Wardrip, Curriculum & Instruction, on learning in makerspaces
- Natalie Zervou, Dance, on the intersections between dance and national identity
- Nicole Louie, Curriculum & Instruction, on efforts to shift the culture of mathematics teaching

Learners’ Construction of Fraction Values
October 1, 2017
Richard Prather studies the relationship between children's behavior and neural activity during early mathematics learning. He will discuss his current work using experimental psychology and computational modeling to investigate how learners understand fractions.

The Subaltern School
October 1, 2017
Karida Brown is a cultural sociologist whose interest lies in explorations of the racial self. In this talk, Brown will introduce her new research project, "The Subaltern School," in which she examines the extended effects of segregated schooling in today’s integrated era. Specifically, Brown will share her preliminary findings from the U.S. and South Africa.

Jerlando Jackson, Wisconsin’s Equity & Inclusion Laboratory
June 28, 2017
Jackson is the Vilas Distinguished Professor of Higher Education and the Director and Chief Research Scientist of Wisconsin’s Equity and Inclusion Laboratory (Wei LAB). Here he discusses Wei LAB, Beyond the Game, and post-graduate outcomes.

Teacher Speakout! Panel Discussion
May 26, 2017
The Teacher Speakout! seeks to engage the voices and knowledge of Wisconsin teachers so that education research at UW–Madison is practitioner-informed and responsive to classroom realities, both the successes and the challenges.

Inaugural Event for the Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions
May 22, 2017
What types of skills do college students need to succeed in today’s rapidly evolving labor market and society? Research shows that a strong work ethic and the ability to self-regulate one’s own learning is a competency highly valued by employers yet often challenging to teach to students.

Continuing the Untold Legacy of African Americans in the History of American Evaluation
May 2, 2017
Stafford Hood, Sheila M. Miller Professor of Curriculum & Instruction and Educational Psychology and Founding Director of the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation & Assessment (CREA) in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, presented "Continuing the Untold Legacy of African Americans in the History of American Evaluation: Another Installment in the Nobody Knows My Name Project" on April 6, 2017.

Cowan v. Bolivar County, Resistance to Brown, and the Forging of Racial Fortuity
May 2, 2017
Jamel K. Donnor, Associate Professor, School of Education, The College of William and Mary, presented "Cowan v. Bolivar County, Resistance to Brown, and the Forging of Racial Fortuity" on March 30, 2017.

Connecting Policy and Research: A View Down State Street
May 2, 2017
On April 17, 2017, Kathy Cramer, Director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service, moderated a panel discussion on the connections between educational policy and research.

ITP Translational Workshop: Crafting Research to Inform Federal Policy
March 30, 2017
The ITP Translational Workshop: Crafting Research to Inform Federal Policy was moderated by Professor Eric Grodsky and featured Vivian Tseng, Vice President of the William T. Grant Foundation and Nicole Deterding, National Poverty Fellow at UW Madison

Resources for Researchers from the William T. Grant Foundation: Scholars Program
March 22, 2017
Vivian Tseng, Vice President of the William T. Grant Foundation, discusses the foundation’s career development award for promising early career faculty in the social, behavioral, and health sciences, studying youth ages 5-25 in the U.S. Applicants identify new methods, disciplines or content to learn and propose five-year research and mentoring plans that foster growth in those areas.

Resources for Researchers from the William T. Grant Foundation: Research Focus Areas
March 22, 2017
Vivian Tseng, Vice President of the William T. Grant Foundation, discusses the foundation’s mission to reduce inequality and improve the use of research evidence. Aimed at potential grant applicants with terminal degrees, on career ladder positions, Tseng describes what the foundation is looking for in grant proposals.