Reducing Wisconsin’s Achievement Gap Will Require Many Changes

October 18, 2016

Wisconsin's racial achievement gap can be reduced by giving more students access to successful teachers and encouraging rigorous classes for all students, said Madeline Hafner, executive director of the Minority Student Achievement Network.

Is the Educational System Failing Black Males?

October 6, 2016

Speaking from the Fifth Annual International Colloquium on Black Males in Education, Jerlando F.L. Jackson says that instead of asking what’s wrong with black males, we should ask what’s wrong with the systems they must survive and thrive in.

Testing Benefits, Castro Published in Language Magazine

October 5, 2016

Mariana Castro shows what language proficiency assessments have to offer educators of English learners

Going the Country Mile

September 29, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

Wisconsin attracts thousands of tourists year-round who make the trek to explore its scenic farmlands, and camp, canoe, ski, fish and hike its great outdoors. While visitors to Wisconsin’s rural and wilderness areas are plentiful, attracting teachers to its smaller cities and townships can be a challenge, say some education experts.

UW–Madison Post-Act 10 Teacher Pay Study to Help Inform Wisconsin School Boards, Policymakers

September 27, 2016

School districts and policymakers across Wisconsin exploring teacher pay alternatives have new information to help guide them–a recently-released study from the Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER) in the UW–Madison School of Education.

Hora Op-Ed Stresses Active Learning at Core of Workforce Development

September 26, 2016

Wisconsin's lawmakers should embrace the teaching and learning functions of Wisconsin’s colleges and universities as the centerpiece of the state’s workforce development strategy, Wisconsin Center for Education Research scientist Matthew Hora argues in a column distributed by the USA Today network of newspapers and websites.

Polarized Classrooms, Paula McAvoy Published in Teaching Tolerance

September 23, 2016

Paula McAvoy had an article featured in Teaching Tolerance, a Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center

Paula McAvoy on the Political Education of Young People

September 15, 2016

New analysis shows that state standards lag in preparing students to be informed voters

UW-Madison Wins Two First-Ever NSF INCLUDES Awards

September 12, 2016

Funding Supports Bold Methods to Diversify U.S. Science and Engineering Workforce

WCER Researcher Argues For A Nuanced Approach To Workforce Training

August 30, 2016

Matthew Hora, a scientist with the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, focuses on the concept of a "skills gap" and how it influences the growing political arguments about the value of liberal-arts education and vocational job training.

Hora Discusses WI Skills Gap Findings on Wisconsin Public Television

August 29, 2016

New research looks into how Wisconsin is investing into job training. Matthew Hora is an researcher for the Wisconsin Center for Education Research and led this project. He talk about what the skills gap is and how the state could be doing better.

Bradley Carl to Speak at Achievement Gap Panel

August 16, 2016

WCER researcher Bradley Carl will participate in a Capital Times panel discussion on early learning and school achievement gaps between white students and students of color.

Enabling Effective Mentorship

August 8, 2016

Christine Pfund interview featured in ASBMB Today's Special Section on Education

The Effect of Testing on Chinese Education and Parenting

July 27, 2016

Matt Hora, WCER research scientist, is featured in Education Week article on The Effect of Testing on Chinese Education and Parenting, July 27, 2016.

Beth Graue Discusses Mindfulness Training, Class Size and More

July 25, 2016

Beth Graue is professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she chairs the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Here she talks about mindfulness training for pre-service teachers, class size policy, kindergarten readiness, and research-based mathematics instruction.