MSAN Gives Voice to Minority Students

April 25, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

Guery Ulunque has come a long way since he first landed in the United States from Bolivia with his father and sister in 2008. The now-18-year-old senior at Yorktown High School in Arlington, Va., recalls his struggles.

Experience Is the Best Teacher: How the Delta Program Is Creating a Better STEM Faculty

April 4, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

Delta Program in Research, Teaching, and Learning promotes proven teaching and mentoring techniques for UW–Madison STEM graduate students

Announcing ‘ForwardED,’ the New Digital Newsletter From WCER

March 29, 2016

WCER Communications is pleased to announce the launch of a digital newsletter this week called “ForwardED.”

Knuth, Stephens’ Build an early foundation for algebra success in Phi Delta Kapan

March 10, 2016

"Build an early foundation for algebra success," by Eric Knuth, Ana Stephens, Maria Blanton and Angela Gardiner was published in the March edition of the Phi Delta Kappan

The National Education Agenda & the Role of Innovation

March 8, 2016

Presented by James T. Minor, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Higher Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education

Mitchell Nathan Discusses CareerLocker

March 7, 2016

Mitchell J. Nathan is professor of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he directs the Center on Education and Work. Here he talks about CareerLocker, which helps educators and career development practitioners with program evaluation, qualitative and quantitative research, professional development training, and career resources.

National initiative to increase STEM graduates doubles in members

March 1, 2016

25 top research universities join effort to develop stellar teaching skills in future faculty

Sara Goldrick-Rab: Community Colleges Should Consider Providing Food Pantries for Commuting Students

February 25, 2016

Sara Goldrick-Rab says community colleges should consider providing food pantries for commuting students who are hungry all year long

MSAN Chapter Creates Program Aimed to Increase AP Class Enrollment

February 23, 2016

Harrisonburg, VA's MSAN chapter created "Streaks Serving Streaks," a tutoring program for students struggling academically or in need of additional assistance.

Sara Goldrick-Rab Says Poor Students Often Dip into Student Loans to Cover the Rising Cost Living

February 23, 2016

Sara Goldrick-Rab Says Poor Students Often Dip into Their Student Loans to Cover the Rising Cost of Living

Matt Hora says UW–Madison Board of Regents Should Be Held Accountable To Do Their Job

February 19, 2016

Matt Hora says the UW–Madison Board of Regents should hold themselves accountable for their decisions and public statements regarding policies that affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of students, staff and faculty

Eric Knuth and Others Find Middle School Students Still Struggle to Understand the Equal Sign

February 19, 2016

Eric Knuth and Others Find Middle School Students Still Struggle to Understand the Equal Sign

Mark Connolly: Overworked, Underpaid TAs Can Be Detrimental to Class Quality

February 16, 2016

Mark Connolly, Principal Investigator of the NSF-funded Longitudinal Study of Future STEM Scholars, quoted in the GW Hatchet

WIDA Celebrates 10 years at WCER

February 15, 2016

A history of WIDA as it celebrates its 10th anniversary at WCER

WCER launches evaluation collaborative to help educational organizations in Wisconsin

February 12, 2016   |   By Lynn Armitage

Need a good program evaluator? WCER has launched the Wisconsin Evaluation Collaborative (WEC), a network of experienced evaluators from UW-Madison’s School of Education ready to jump in and help preK-12 education partners.