Dynamic Digital Text in STEM Education

August 6, 2013

New digital presentation, interaction, and navigation techniques promise to engage students more deeply and dynamically with science

Home Cultures Shape Math Instruction

July 29, 2013

You might think that students will achieve academically as long as their teachers use effective standards-based teaching practices.

The Power of Museum Exhibits

July 29, 2013

Children can learn a lot from museum exhibits, which reach millions of students every year.

On 25th Anniversary, FAST Celebrates International Research

July 25, 2013

Guests came from far and wide to celebrate the FAST program’s 25th anniversary, held as part of the annual conference organized by the non-profit, Families and Schools Together, Inc. in Madison on June 24 and 25.

Evidence for the Middle School Science Classroom

July 22, 2013

Melissa Braaten and colleagues examine the personal, organizational, and contextual factors affecting science teachers' data use and pedagogical practices.

Benefits of Embedded Learning Opportunities for Teachers

July 17, 2013

Programs that create teacher leadership positions and those that encourage structured teacher collaboration are positively and strongly associated with reflective practice.

Using Digital Avatars in Mathematics Instruction

July 10, 2013

Computer avatars may soon be used to help mathematics teachers communicate more effectively.

VARC Early Warning Indicator Helps Milwaukee Address High School Dropout Rates

July 8, 2013

A collaborative effort on early warning systems by researchers at VARC seeks to give the Milwaukee Public Schools a better tool to reduce its high school dropout rate.

Engaging, Educating, and Assessing Undergraduate Engineers

July 1, 2013

New research suggests that participating in a virtual internship increases students’ interest in engineering and their desire to pursue an engineering degree. This effect is especially pronounced among women.

Research Informs New State Evaluation System

July 1, 2013

WCER Researcher Steve Kimball and colleagues are providing technical assistance to the State of Wisconsin that will soon affect every teacher and principal in the state.

Jeff Grigg and Courtney Hall on Madison.com

June 25, 2013

WCER graduate students Jeff Grigg and Courtney Hall provided research assistance to the transition team for new Madison School District superintendent Jennifer Cheatham. Also serving on the team are Allan Odden and Gloria Ladson-Billings (Madison.com, 25 June)

Jerlando Jackson on Madison.com

June 25, 2013

Jerlando Jackson says the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action will force educational institutions to better justify their affirmative action programs (Madison.com, 25 June)

Sara Goldrick-Rab on Chronicle.com

June 24, 2013

Sara Goldrick-Rab says federal financial aid should be used to support colleges that serve needy students well, not awarded to students in a voucher-style system, as it is today (Chronicle.com, 24 June)

Understanding Students’ Entry and Persistence in STEM Subjects

June 24, 2013

Although the American higher education system serves as a model throughout the world, it struggles to meet the U.S. demand for workers in STEM fields.

Viable STEM Pathways from Community Colleges to Four-year Institutions

June 17, 2013

Xueli Wang and colleagues are working to help more community college students succeed in STEM courses.