Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

The First-Generation College Student Experience: Implications for Campus Practice, and Strategies for Improving Persistence and Success,” Rachelle Winkle-Wagner Journal of College Student Development, 2011.

Toward a Performance of Possibilities: Resisting Gendered (In)justice,” Maisha Winn and Chelsea A. Jackson, International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 2011.

The Right to be Literate: Literacy, Education, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline,” Maisha Winn and Nadia Behizadeh, Review of Research in Education, 2011.

Assessing Knowledge of Mathematical Equivalence: A Construct-modeling Approach,” Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Percival G. Matthews, Roger S. Taylor, Katherine L. McEldoon, Journal of Educational Psychology, 2011.

Trends and Issues in High School Mathematics: Research Insights and Needs,” Chris Rasmussen, Daniel J. Heck, James E. Tarr, Eric Knuth, Dorothy Y. White, Diana V. Lambdin, Patricia C. Baltzley, Judith Reed Quander, David Barnes, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2011.

A Note on Cluster Effects in Latent Class Analysis,” David Kaplan and Bryan Keller, Structural Equation Modeling, 2011.

Can Semi-Supervised Learning Explain Incorrect Beliefs about Categories?,” Charles W. Kalish, Timothy T. Rogers, Jonathan Lang and Xiaojin Zhu, Cognition, 2011.

The Cross-Activation Theory at 10,” Edward M. Hubbard, David Brang and Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Journal of Neuropsychology, 2011.

Teacher Training, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement,” Douglas N. Harris and Tim R. Sass, Journal of Public Economics, 2011.

Value-added Measures and the Future of Educational Accountability,” Douglas N. Harris, Science, 2011.

Sex and School: Adolescent Sexual Intercourse and Education,” Bill McCarthy and Eric Grodsky, Social Problems, 2011.

Something to Fall Back On: Community Colleges as a Safety Net,” Demetra Kalogrides and Eric Grodsky, Social Forces, 2011.

The View from the Lighted Schoolhouse: Conceptualizing Home-school Relations within a Class Size Reduction Reform,” Elizabeth Graue and Melissa Sherfinski, American Journal of Education, 2011.

Are We Paving Paradise?Elizabeth Graue, Educational Leadership, 2011.

Reclaiming Assessment through Accountability that is ‘Just Right,’Elizabeth Graue and Erica Johnson, Teachers College Record, 2011.

Whither the Virtuous Cycle? Past and Future Trends in Black-White Inequality in Educational Attainment,” Daniel A. Long, Sean Kelly and Adam Gamoran, Social Science Research, 2011.

Book Review: Diversity and Equity in Science Education: Research, Policy and Practice,” Noah Feinstein, Science Education, 2011.

The Proof Is in the Practice,” Amy B. Ellis, Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 2011.

Generalizing-Promoting Actions: How Classroom Collaborations Can Support Students' Mathematical Generalizations,” Amy B. Ellis, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2011.

Academic Achievement for English Learners: What Can We Reasonably Expect?H. Gary Cook, Timothy Boals and Todd Lundberg, Phi Delta Kappan, 2011.