From Inclusion to Inclusive Schooling: ELLs in the Mainstream Classroom
January 29, 2018
Most English language learners find themselves in mainstream rather than ESL or bilingual classrooms. This reality has important implications for how mainstream teachers structure their instruction. This talk will explore ELLs’ experiences in mainstream classrooms and the importance of educators of using multilingual instruction with these students.
WIDA Conference Extends Call for Proposals
January 25, 2018
Submit your presentation proposal before the new deadline of Feb. 4.
Hora Receives National Book Honor
January 25, 2018
Book challenges the argument that higher education is insufficiently attuned to workplace needs
WIDA Awarded $147,221 to Improve Outcomes for Alaskan Yup’ik Students
January 25, 2018
Project seeks to improve outcomes for Alaskan Yup’ik native students in school and life.
Ghousseini Awarded $2.5 Million to Study Teachers’ Thinking
January 25, 2018
The project will study how teachers' thinking and sensemaking may support or constrain their learning to promote disciplinary argumentation.
Board Approves Establishing Committee to Study Teacher Compensation
January 23, 2018
The Silver Lake-Salem School Board Monday night approved establishing a 10-member committee charged with studying alternate compensation, particularly for the pay structure for teachers.
Wisconsin K-12 Teachers: Come Have a Field Day!
January 17, 2018
If you love teaching and are looking for new ways to inspire your K-12 students outside the classroom, we invite you to apply for a Field Day Fellowship.
Hora, CCWT Awarded Grant from UW System
January 11, 2018
Congratulations to Matt Hora and The Center for College-Workforce Transitions for receiving $25,000 from the University of Wisconsin System to study how college internships impact student outcomes such as college completion, employment status and wages upon graduation, and vocational self-concept.
Call for Proposals Open for 2018 MSAN Institute
January 11, 2018
The MSAN Institute is a two-day, intensive professional development opportunity dedicated to growing our understanding of how school districts develop equity-focused leadership and nurture cultural competence.
‘Excessive Video Gaming’ in Draft as a Mental Health Condition
January 2, 2018
The World Health Organization included "excessive video gaming" in its draft of the 2018 International Classification of Diseases.
Madison Pre-K Benefits Student Behavior And Literacy
January 2, 2018
Students enrolled in Madison's pre-K program showed improvements in literacy and behavioral skills compared to similar students not enrolled in the program, according to a recently published study.
Year-end Message Urges Educators to Speak Truth to the World
December 21, 2017
In an internal year-end message, Wisconsin Center for Education Research Director Bob Mathieu urged faculty, researchers and staff to share their knowledge widely.
Berland and Colleagues Awarded $409K for Formative Assessments in Computer Science
December 20, 2017
The project will design, develop and study formative assessments to help students and teachers understand how, what, and why they are learning in computer science.
Kendall and Colleagues Awarded $49.6K from Spencer Foundation
December 20, 2017
The project will map the relationship between climate change and education in Ghana and Malawi.
MMSD 4K Students Demonstrate Stronger Literacy, Behavior Skills Among District Kindergartners
December 19, 2017
One of the most promising ways to eliminate social, economic and racial gaps in educational achievement is to stop them before they happen. A recent Madison Education Partnership (MEP) report shows the Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) may be doing just that through its four-year-old kindergarten (4K) program.