Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Risk and Resilience in Preterm Children at Age 6,” J. Poehlmann-Tynan, E.D. Gerstein, C. Burnson, L. Weymouth, Daniel M. Bolt, S. Maleck and A.J. Schwichtenberg, Development and Psychopathology, 2015.

Making Connections in Math: Activating a Prior Knowledge Analogue Matters for Learning,” Pooja G. Sidney and Martha W. Alibali, Journal of Cognition and Development, 2015.

Leave Her Out of it: Person-Presentation of Strategies is Harmful for Transfer,” Anne E. Riggs, Martha W. Alibali, Charles W. Kalish, Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2015.

The 5 W’s of ‘Bullying’ on Twitter: Why, What, Why, Where, When.” Amy Bellmore, Angela J. Calvin, Jun-Ming Xu, Xiaojin Zhu. Computers in Human Behavior, 2015.

Accelerating College Knowledge: A Fiscal Analysis of a Targeted Early Commitment Pell Grant Program,” Robert Kelchen and Sara Goldrick-Rab, Journal of Higher Education, 2015.

More Important than the Contract is the Relationship,” Patricia Burch and Annalee Good, Phi Delta Kappan, 2015.

Cohort Default Rates: Predicting the Probability of Federal Sanctions,” Nicholas Hillman, Educational Policy, 2015.

Rates of White Matter Hyperintensities Compatible with the Radiological Profile of Multiple Sclerosis within Self-referred Synesthete Populations,” Julia Simnera, Duncan A. Carmichael, Edward Hubbard, Zoe Morris and Stephen M. Lawrie, Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition, 2015.

Foundations of Financial Well-Being: Insights into the Role of Executive Function, Financial Socialization, and Experience-Based Learning in Childhood and Youth,” Anita I. Drever, Elizabeth Odders-White, Charles W. Kalish, Emily M. Hoagland and Emory N. Nelms, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2015.

Bayesian Causal Mediation Analysis for Group Randomized Designs with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects: Simulation and Case Study,” Soojin Park and David Kaplan, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 2015.

Covariate Balance in a Two-Step Bayesian Propensity Score Approach for Observational Studies,” Jianshen Chen and David Kaplan, Journal of Research on Education Effectiveness, 2015.

The Development of Children’s Algebraic Thinking: The Impact of a Comprehensive Early Algebra Intervention in Third Grade,” Maria Blanton, Ana Stephens, Eric Knuth, Angela Murphy Gardiner, Isil Isler and Jee-Seon Kim, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2015.

Advancing Accessibility and Accommodations in Content Assessments for Students with Disabilities and English Learners,” Martha L. Thurlow and Rebecca Kopriva, Review of Research in Education, 2015.

Multivariate Fractional Regression Estimation of Econometric Share Models,” John Mullahy, Journal of Econometric Models, 2015.

What Works, What Doesn’t,” J. Dunlosky, K.A. Rawson, E. J. Marsh, Mitchell J. Nathan and D.T. Willingham, Scientific American (Special Issue “Your Inner Genius”), 2015.

Gesture as Model Enactment: The Role of Gesture in Mental Model Construction and Inference Making When Learning from Text,” Mitchell Nathan and Chelsea V.J. Martinez. Learning: Research and Practice, 2015.

Building National Capacity for Research Mentor Training: An Evidence-Based Approach to Training the Trainers,” Christine Pfund, Kimberly C. Spencer, Pamela Asquith, Stephanie C. House, Sarah Miller and Christine A. Sorkness, Life Sciences Education, 2015.

In Reply to Chang and Colleagues,” Christine Pfund, Christine A. Sorkness, Angela Byars-Winston and Stephen B. Thomas, Academic Medicine, 2015.

Medical Student Membership on a Hospital-Based Institutional Review Board: A Unique Educational Opportunity,” Christine Pfund, Christine A. Sorkness, Angela Byars-Winston and Stephen B. Thomas, Academic Medicine, 2015.

Fuel for Success: Academic Momentum as a Mediator Between Dual Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Two-Year Technical College Students,” Xueli Wang, Hsun-yu Chan, L. Allen Phelps and Janet I. Washbon, Community College Review, 2015.