Journal Articles
Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:
"Navigating the Problem Space of Academic Work," Matthew Hora. AERA Open, January 2016.
“Marketing, Information, and Parental Choice: A Comparative Case Study of Third-Party, Federally Funded Out-of-School-Time Services,” Molly Stewart and Annalee Good, Peabody Journal of Education, January 2016.
"Faculty Development to Address the Achievement Gap" Donald L. Gillian-Daniel and Sara B. Kraemer. Change Magazine, December 2015.
“Transformation in K-12 English Language Proficiency Assessment: Changing Contexts, Changing Constructs.” Timothy Boals, Dorry M. Kenyon, Alissa Blair, M. Elizabeth Cranley, Carsten Wilmes and Laura J. Wright. Review of Research in Education, 2015.
“#bully: Uses of Hashtags in Posts about Bullying on Twitter.” Angela J. Calvin, Amy Bellmore, Jun-Ming Xu and Xiaojin Zhu. Journal of School Violence, 2015.
“Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs.” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Lois Zamzow, Ya-Fang Cheng, Min Yu, Andrea Durón, Brook Goralski-Cumbajin, Dana Hagerman and Erin Quast. Educational Action Research, 2015.
“Assessing the Validity of an Annual Survey for Measuring the Enacted Literacy Curriculum.” Eric Camburn, Seong Won Han and James Sebastian. Educational Policy, 2015.
“Presence, Proximity, and Peer Interactions of Adolescents with Severe Disabilities in General Education Classrooms,” Rebecca Feldman, Erik W. Carter, Jennifer Asmus, Matthew E. Brock. Exceptional Children, October 2015.
“Lives Intertwined: A Primer on the History and Emergence of Minority Serving Institutions.” Marybeth Gasman, Thai-Huy Nguyen and Clifton Conrad. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2015.
“Autonomy, Self-Realization, and Self-Advocacy and the School- and Career-Related Adjustment of Adolescent Girls with Disabilities.” Bonnie Doren and Hyun Ju Kang. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 2015.
"Time in Education: Intertwined Dimensions and Theoretical Possibilities," Catherine Compton-Lilly, Time & Society, 2015.
“Having Their Lives Narrowed Down? The State of African American Women’s Experiences in Higher Education,” Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, Review of Educational Research, 2015.
“Cohort Default Rates: Predicting the Probability of Federal Sanctions,” Nicholas W. Hillman, Educational Policy, 2015.
“Education, Communication, and Science in the Public Sphere,” Noah Weeth Feinstein, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2015.
“Quantifying Exponential Growth: Three Conceptual Shifts in Coordinating Multiplicative and Additive Growth,” Amy Ellis, Zekiye Ozgur, Torrey Kulow, Caroline Williams and Joel Amidon, Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 2015.
“Constructing and Validating a Multiple-Indicator Construct of Economic Hardship in a National Sample of Adolescents with Disabilities,” Christopher Murray, Bonnie Doren, Jeff M. Gau, Keith Zvoch and John R. Seeley, Exceptional Children, 2015.
“Autonomy, Self-Realization, and Self-Advocacy and the School- and Career-Related Adjustment of Adolescent Girls with Disabilities,” Bonnie Doren and Hyun Ju Kang, Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 2015.
“Lives Intertwined: A Primer on the History and Emergence of Minority Serving Institutions,” Marybeth Gasman, Thai-Huy Nguyen and Clifton F. Conrad, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2015.
“Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Lois Zamzow, Ya-Fang Cheng, Min Yu, Andrea Durón, Brook Goralski-Cumbajin, Dana Hagerman and Erin Quast, Educational Action Research, 2015.
“Beyond the Game: Transforming Life Outcomes of Black Male Collegiate Student-Athletes,” LaVar J. Charleston, Jerlando F. L. Jackson, Ryan P. Adserias and Nicole M. Lang, Diversity in Higher Education, 2015.