Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Benchmarking for the Effective Use of Student Evaluation Data,” John Smithson, Melanie Birks, Glenn Harrison, Chenicheri Sid Nair and Marnie Hitchins, Quality Assurance in Education, 2015.

Adding Design Elements to Short Interrupted Time Series When Evaluating National Programs: No Child Left Behind as an Example of Pattern-Matching,” Manyee Wong, Thomas D. Cook and Peter M. Steiner, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2015.

Imagining a Future in PreK: How Professional Identity Shapes Notions of Mathematics,” Elizabeth Graue, Anne Karabon, Katherine Kresin Delaney, Kristin Whyte, Jiwon Kim and Anita Wager, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 2015.

What Knowledge is Shaping Teacher Preparation in Early Childhood Mathematics?,” Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, Amy Noelle Parks and Anita Wager, 2015.

Colorblind Mentoring? Exploring White Faculty Mentoring Students of Color,” Dorian L. McCoy, Rachelle Winkle-Wagner and Courtney L. Luedke, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2015.

Expectations and Realities: Education, the Discipline Gap, and the Experiences of Black Families Migrating to Small Cities,” Lawrence T. Winn and Maisha Winn, Race and Social Problems, 2015.

Education, Communication, and Science in the Public Sphere,” Noah Feinstein, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 2015.

The Development and Validation of a Multiple-Indicator Construct of Economic Hardship in the National Longitudinal Transition Study,” Christopher Murray, Bonnie Doren, Jeff M. Gau, Keith Zvoch and John R. Seeley, Exceptional Children, 2015.

Training Mentors of Clinical and Translational Research Scholars: A Randomized Controlled Trial,” Christine Pfund et al., Academic Medicine, 2014.

The Effectiveness-efficiency Trade-off in Health Care: The Case of Hospitals in Lombardy, Italy,” Gianmaria Martini, PaoloBerta, John Mullahy and Giorgio Vittadini, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2014.

Development of a Novel, Objective Measure of Health Care-Related Financial Burden for U.S. Families with Children,” Lauren E. Wisk, Ronald Gangnon, David J. Vanness, Alison A. Galbraith, John Mullahy and Whitney P. Witt, Health Services Research, 2014.

Special Issue on Health Econometrics: Editors’ Introduction,” Daniel McMillen, Francesco Moscone and John Mullahy, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2014.

The Association Between Motor Vehicle Injuries and Health-related Quality of Life: A Longitudinal Study of a Population-based Sample in the United States,” Suliman Alghnam, Mari Palta, Patrick L. Remington, John Mullahy and Maureen S. Durkin, Quality of Life Research, 2014.

Cumulative Social Risk Exposure, Infant Birth Weight, and Cognitive Delay in Infancy,” Erika R.Cheng, JuliePoehlmann-Tynan, John Mullahy and Whitney P.Witt, Academic Pediatrics, 2014.

Sleep Behavior and Unemployment Conditions,” Marina Antillón, Diane S.Lauderdale and John Mullahy, Economics & Human Biology, 2014.

Actions Speak Louder with Words: The Roles of Action and Pedagogical Language for Grounding Mathematical Reasoning,” Mitchell J. Nathan, Candace Walkington, Rebecca Boncoddo, Elizabeth Pier, Caroline C. Williams and Martha W. Alibali, Learning and Instruction, 2014.

How Should Intelligent Tutoring Systems Sequence Multiple Graphical Representations of Fractions? A Multi-Methods Study,” Martina Rau, V. Aleven, N. Rummel and Z. Pardos, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2014.

"The Development of Writing Habitus: A Ten-Year Case Study of a Young Writer,Catherine Compton-Lilly, Written Communication, 1–33 2014 SAGE Publications, 2014.

Fighting Fires without Falling: Effects of Equipment Design and Fatigue on Firefighter's Balance and Gait,” Karl S. Rosengren, Elizabeth T. Hsiao-Wecksler and Gavin P. Horn, Ecological Psychology, 2014.

Affective Dimensions of Death: Children’s Books, Questions, and Understandings,” Isabel T. Gutiérrez, Peggy J. Miller, Karl S. Rosengren and Stevie S. Schein, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2014.