Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

IRT Model Misspecification and Measurement of Growth in Vertical Scaling,” Daniel M. Bolt, Sien Deng and Sora Lee, Journal of Educational Measurement, 2014.

Measurement and Control of Response Styles Using Anchoring Vignettes: A Model-Based Approach,” Daniel M. Bolt, Yi Lu and Jee-Seon Kim, Psychological Methods, 2014.

Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Applications to Constructionist Research,” Matthew Berland, Ryan S. Baker and Paulo Blikstein, Technology Knowledge and Learning, 2014.

College Students’ Behavioral Reactions upon Witnessing Relational Peer Aggression,” Ji You and Amy Bellmore, Aggressive Behavior, 2014.

Transversing the Vertical Case Study: A Methodological Approach to Studies of Educational Policy as Practice,” Lesley Bartlett and Frances Vavrus, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 2014.

Ahiska Refugee Families’ Configuration of Resettlement and Academic Success in U.S. Schools,” Aydin Bal and Angela E. Arzubiaga, Urban Education, 2014.

Becoming In/competent Learners in the United States: Refugee Students’ Academic Identities in the Figured World of Difference,” Aydin Bal, International Multilingual Research Journal, 2014.

A Situated Analysis of Special Education Disproportionality for Systemic Transformation in an Urban School District,” Aydin Bal, Amanda L. Sullivan and John Harper, Remedial and Special Education, 2014.

Systemic Transformation from the Ground-Up: Using Learning Lab to Design Culturally Responsive Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Supports,” Aydin Bal, Elizabeth B. Kozleski, Elizabeth M. Schrader, Esmeralda M. Rodriguez and Scott Pelton, Remedial and Special Education, 2014.

Development and Preliminary Analysis of a Rubric for Culturally Responsive Research,” Audrey A. Trainor and Aydin Bal, The Journal of Special Education, 2014.

Generalizability and Decision Studies to Inform Observational and Experimental Research in Classroom Settings,” Kristen Bottema-Beutel, B. Lloyd, Erik W. Carter and Jennifer M. Asmus, American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 2014.

Property Content Guides Children’s Memory for Social Learning Episodes,” Anne E. Riggs, Charles W. Kalish and Martha W. Alibali, Cognition, 2014.

How Teachers Link Ideas in Mathematics Instruction Using Speech and Gesture: A Corpus Analysis,” Martha W. Alibali, Mitchell J. Nathan, Matthew S. Wolfgram, R. Breckinridge Church, Steven A. Jacobs, Chelsea Johnson Martinez and Eric J. Knuth, Cognition and Instruction, 2014.

When You’ve Seen One, Have You Seen Them All? Children’s Memory for General and Specific Learning Episodes,” Anne E. Riggs, Charles W. Kalish and Martha W. Alibali, Developmental Psychology, 2014.

Gesture-Speech Integration in Children with Specific Language Impairment,” Elina Mainela-Arnold, Martha W. Alibali, Autumn B. Hostetter and Julia L. Evans, International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 2014.

Research Mentor Training: Initiatives of the University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translational Research,”
Christine A. Sorkness, Christine Pfund, Pamela Asquith, and Marc K. Drezner, Clinical and Translational Science, 2013.

A Research Mentor Training Curriculum for Clinical and Translational Researchers,” Christine Pfund et al., Clinical and Translational Science, 2013.

Capital Punishment and Deterrence: Understanding Disparate Results,” Steven N. Durlauf, Chao Fu and Salvador Navarro, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2013.

Improving Students’ Learning with Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions from Cognitive and Educational Psychology,” John Dunlosky, Katherine A. Rawson, Elizabeth J. Marsh, Mitchell J. Nathan and Daniel T. Willingham, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 2013.

Multi-methods Approach for Domain-specific Grounding: An ITS for Connection Making in Chemistry,” Martina Rau and Amanda L. Evenstone, Computer Science, 2013.