Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Feasibility, Acceptability, and Preliminary Outcomes of the Fortalezas Familiares Intervention for Latino Families Facing Maternal Depression,” Carmen R. Valdez, Brian Padilla, Sarah McArdell Moore and Sandra Magan, Family Process, 2013.

Fortalezas Familiares Program: Building Sociocultural and Family Strengths in Latina Women with Depression and their Families,” Carmen R. Valdez, Jessica Abegglen and Claire T. Hauser, Family Process, 2013.

Parenting Influences on Latino Children’s Social Competence in the First Grade: Parental Depression and Parent Involvement at Home and School,” Carmen R. Valdez, Vansa Shewakramani, Simon Goldberg and Brian Padilla, Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 2013.

‘Why We Stay’: Immigrants’ Motivations for Remaining in Communities Impacted by Anti-immigration Policy,” Carmen Valdez Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 2013.

Consequences of Arizona’s Immigration Policy on the Social Capital among Mexican Mothers with Unauthorized Immigration Status,” Carmen R. Valdez, Brian Padilla and Jessa Lewis Valentine, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2013.

Emerging Adults’ Formative Lived Experience of Family Stress: The Enduring Influence of the Family,” Carmen R. Valdez, Tom Chavez and Julie Woulfe, Qualitative Health Research, 2013.

Young Children’s Mathematics: Whose Home Practices are Privileged?,” Anita A. Wager and Kristin Whyte, Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 2013.

Locating Praxis for Equity in Mathematics Lessons From and for Professional Development,” Anita A. Wager and
Mary Q. Foote, Journal of Teacher Education, 2013.

Modeling Entrance into STEM Fields of Study among Students Beginning at Community Colleges and Four-year Institutions,” Xueli Wang, Research in Higher Education, 2013.

Focusing on the Sophomores: Characteristics Associated with the Academic and Social Involvement of Second-year College Students,” Xueli Wang and Lance Kennedy-Phillips, Journal of College Student Development, 2013.

The Effect of Postsecondary Co-enrollment on College Success: Initial Evidence and Implications for Policy and Future Research,” Xueli Wang and Bo McCready, Educational Researcher, 2013.

Why Students Choose STEM Majors: Motivation, High School Learning, and Postsecondary Context of Support,” Xueli Wang, American Educational Research Journal, 2013.

Baccalaureate Expectations of Community College Students: Socio-Demographic, Motivational, and Contextual Influences,” Xueli Wang, Teachers College Record, 2013.

New Directions in Reading Instruction for Adolescents with Significant Cognitive Disabilities,” Carly A. Roberts, Melinda M. Leko, Kimber L. Wilkerson, Remedial and Special Education, 2013.

Motivation to Read: How Does It Change for Struggling Readers with and without Disabilities?,” Macid A. Melekoglu and Kimber L. Wilkerson, International Journal of Instruction, 2013.

A Harassing Climate? The Implications of Sexual Harassment for Campus Climate,” Valerie Lundy-Wagner and Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2013.

Forum: Toward a Restorative English Education,” Maisha T. Winn, Research in the Teaching of English, 2013.

Facilitating Professional Development for Teachers of English Language Learners,” Daniella Molle, Teaching and teacher Education, 2013.

The Pitfalls of Focusing on Instructional Strategies in Professional Development for Teachers of English Learners,” Daniella Molle, Teacher Education Quarterly, 2013.

Knowledge on the Line: Manipulating Beliefs about the Magnitudes of Symbolic Numbers Affects the Linearity of Line Estimation Tasks,” Dana L. Chesney and Percival G. Matthews, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2013.