Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Preparing the Next Generation of African American Computing Science Faculty: A Response to the Obama Administration’s Scientific Workforce Priorities,” LaVar J. Charleston, Jerlando F. L. Jackson and Juan E. Gilbert, Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis, 2014.

Navigating Underrepresented STEP Spaces: Experiences of Black Women in U.S. Computing Science Higher Education Programs Who Actualize Success,” LaVar J. Charleston, Phillis L. George, Jerlando F. L. Jackson, Jonathan Berhanu and Mauriell H. Amechi, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2014.

Using Human Resource Software Technology to Mitigate Glass Ceiling Effects in Higher Education: Interdisciplinary Applications for Managing Diversity,” LaVar Jovan Charleston, New Directions for Institutional Research, 2014.

Using Culturally Responsive Practices to Broaden Participation in the Educational Pipeline: Addressing the Unfinished Business of Brown in the Field of Computing Sciences,” LaVar J. Charleston, Sherri Ann Charleston and Jerlando F. L. Jackson, The Journal of Negro Education, 2014.

Education: Not a Real Utopian Design,” Harry Brighouse and Jaime Ahlberg, Politics and Society, 2014.

To Charter or Not to Charter: What Questions Should We Ask, and What Will the Answers Tell Us?,” Harry Brighouse and Gina Schouten, Harvard Educational Review, 2014.

Redistributing Education Among the Less Advantaged: A Problem for Principles of Justice?,” Gina Schouten and Harry Brighouse, Social Philosophy and Policy, 2014.

Impacts and Alternatives: Evidence from an Elementary Charter School Evaluation,” Jeffrey Grigg and Geoffrey D. Borman, Journal of School Choice, 2014.

Sample Selection in Randomized Experiments: A New Method Using Propensity Score Stratified Sampling,” Elizabeth Tipton, Larry V. Hedges, Michael Vaden-Kiernan, Geoffrey D. Borman, Kate Sullivan, and Sarah Caverly, Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2014.

Threat in Context: School Moderation of the Impact of Social Identity Threat on Racial/Ethnic Achievement Gaps,” Paul Hanselman, Sarah K. Bruch, Adam Gamoran and Geoffrey D. Borman, Sociology of Education, 2014.

Trajectories of Autism Severity in Early Childhood,” C.E. Venker, C.E. Ray-Subramanian, Daniel M. Bolt and S. Ellis Weismer, Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders, 2014.

IRT Model Misspecification and Measurement of Growth in Vertical Scaling,” Daniel M. Bolt, Sien Deng and Sora Lee, Journal of Educational Measurement, 2014.

Measurement and Control of Response Styles Using Anchoring Vignettes: A Model-Based Approach,” Daniel M. Bolt, Yi Lu and Jee-Seon Kim, Psychological Methods, 2014.

Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Applications to Constructionist Research,” Matthew Berland, Ryan S. Baker and Paulo Blikstein, Technology Knowledge and Learning, 2014.

College Students’ Behavioral Reactions upon Witnessing Relational Peer Aggression,” Ji You and Amy Bellmore, Aggressive Behavior, 2014.

Transversing the Vertical Case Study: A Methodological Approach to Studies of Educational Policy as Practice,” Lesley Bartlett and Frances Vavrus, Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 2014.

Ahiska Refugee Families’ Configuration of Resettlement and Academic Success in U.S. Schools,” Aydin Bal and Angela E. Arzubiaga, Urban Education, 2014.

Becoming In/competent Learners in the United States: Refugee Students’ Academic Identities in the Figured World of Difference,” Aydin Bal, International Multilingual Research Journal, 2014.

A Situated Analysis of Special Education Disproportionality for Systemic Transformation in an Urban School District,” Aydin Bal, Amanda L. Sullivan and John Harper, Remedial and Special Education, 2014.

Systemic Transformation from the Ground-Up: Using Learning Lab to Design Culturally Responsive Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Supports,” Aydin Bal, Elizabeth B. Kozleski, Elizabeth M. Schrader, Esmeralda M. Rodriguez and Scott Pelton, Remedial and Special Education, 2014.