Journal Articles
Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:
“Key Program Features to Enhance the School-to-Career Transition for Youth with Disabilities,” Bonnie Doren, Min-Chi Yan and Wei-Mo Tu, Prevention Researcher, 2013.
“The Impact of Professional Development and Student and Teacher Characteristics on the Quality of Postsecondary Goals,” Bonnie Doren, K. Brigid Flannery, Allison R. Lombardi, Mimi McGrath Kato, Remedial and Special Education, 2013.
“Addressing Career Barriers for High Risk Adolescent Girls: The PATHS Curriculum Intervention,” Bonnie Doren, Allison R. Lombardi, Julie Clark and Lauren Lindstrom, Journal of Adolescence, 2013.
“The Temporal Expectations of Schooling and Literacy Learning Jermaine’s Story,” Catherine F. Compton-Lilly, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2013.
“Views from the Field: The Common Core State Standards and Student Diversity: Closing the Gap,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Wisconsin English Journal, 2013.
“Design of a Professional Practice Simulator for Educating and Motivating First-Year Engineering Students,” Naomi C. Chesler, Golnaz Arastoopour, Cynthia M. D’Angelo, Elizabeth A. Bagley and David Williamson Shaffer, Advances in Engineering Education, 2013.
“Development of Concept-Based Physiology Lessons for Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Students,” Regina K. Nelson, Naomi C. Chesler, Kevin T. Strang, Advances in Physiology Education, 2013.
“Changing Attitudes About Computing Science at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Benefits of an Intervention Program Designed for Undergraduates,” Jerlando F. L. Jackson, LaVar J. Charleston, Juan E. Gilbert and Cheryl Seals, Journal of African American Studies, 2013.
“The Altruism Puzzle: The Obligation to Sacrifice One's Life,” Harry Brighouse, Journal of Social Philosophy, 2013.
“Developing a Theory of Ambitious Early-Career Teacher Practice,” Jessica Thompson, Mark Windschitl and Melissa Braaten, American Educational Research Journal, 2013.
“Effects of Two Scientific Inquiry Professional Development Interventions on Teaching Practice,” Jeffrey Grigg, Kimberle A. Kelly, Adam Gamoran and Geoffrey D. Borman, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2013.
“The Impacts of Success for All on Reading Achievement in Grades 3–5: Does Intervening During the Later Elementary Grades Produce the Same Benefits as Intervening Early?,” Paul Hanselman and Geoffrey D. Borman, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 2013.
“Measuring Exertion during Caregiving of Children and Young Adults with Cerebral Palsy who Require Assistance for Mobility and Self-Care,” M. Andrews, Daniel M. Bolt, M. Braun and R. E. Benedict, Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics, 2013.
“Designing for STEM Integration,” Leema K. Berland, Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 2013.
“Student Learning in Challenge-Based Engineering Curricula,” Leema K. Berland, Taylor H. Martin, Pat Ko, Stephanie Baker Peacock, Jennifer J. Rudolph and Chris Golubski, Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 2013.
“Confusing Claims for Data: A Critique of Common Practices for Presenting Qualitative Research on Learning,” David Hammer and Leema K. Berland, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2013.
“Does Recreational Computer Use Affect High School Achievement?,” Alex J. Bowers and Matthew Berland, Educational Technology Research and Development, 2013.
“Learning Programming with IPRO: The Effects of a Mobile, Social Programming Environment,” Taylor Martin, Matthew Berland, Tom Benton and Carmen Petrick Smith, Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 2013.
“Visualizing Live Collaboration in the Classroom with AMOEBA,” Matthew Berland, Carmen Petrick Smith and Don Davis, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2013.
“Monsterismus: Recursively Relevant Computer Science Game Design,” Matthew Berland, Timothy T. Yuen and Don Davis, Games, Learning, & Society, 2013.