Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Using Learning Analytics to Understand the Learning Pathways of Novice Programmers,” Matthew Berland, Taylor Martin, Tom Benton, Carmen Petrick Smith and Don Davis, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2013.

'Steering Rather than Rowing': Internationalism, Privatization, and University Reform in Tanzania,” Ross J. Benbow, International Perspectives on Education and Society, 2013.

'My Voice is Not Going to be Silent': What Can Parents Do About Children’s Bullying?,” Peter J. Lovegrove, Amy D. Bellmore, Jennifer Greif Green, Kathryn Jens and Jamie M. Ostrov, Journal of School Violence, 2013.

Evidence-Based Interventions for Immigrant Students Experiencing Behavioral and Academic Problems: A Systematic Review of the Literature,” Aydin Bal and Aaron B.T. Perzigian, Education and Treatment of Children, 2013.

Diverse Perspectives on Social-Interactional Strengths in Children with Disabilities: A Socioecological Study,” Aydin Bal and Timothy E. Radke, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 2013.

Fostering Friendships: Supporting Relationships Among Youth With and Without Developmental Disabilities,” Erik W. Carter, Jennifer Asmus and Collen K. Moss, Prevention Researcher, 2013.

Peer Network Strategies to Foster Social Connections Among Adolescents With and Without Severe Disabilities,” Erik W. Carter, Jennifer Asmus, Colleen K. Moss, Molly Cooney, Katie Weir, Lori Vincent, Tiffany Born, Julia M. Hochman, Kristen Bottema-Beutel and Ethan Fesperman, Teaching Exceptional Children, 2013.

Building Cohesion Across Representations: A Mechanism for STEM Integration,” Mitchell J. Nathan, Rachaya Srisurichan, Candace Walkington, Matthew Wolfgram, Caro Williams and Martha W. Alibali, Journal of Engineering Education, 2013.

Gesture’s Role in Speaking, Learning and Creating Language,” Susan Goldin-Meadow and Martha W. Alibali, Annual Review of Psychology, 2013.

Noticing Relevant Problem Features: Activating Prior Knowledge Affects Problem-Solving by Guiding Encoding,” Noelle M. Crooks and Martha W. Alibali, Frontiers in Psychology, 2013.

Students Learn More When their Teacher has Learned to Gesture Effectively,” Martha W. Alibali, Andrew G. Young, Noelle M. Crooks, Amelia Yeo, Matthew S. Wolfgram, Iasmine M. Ledesma, Mitchell J. Nathan, R. Breckinridge Church and Eric J. Knuth, Gesture, 2013.

Predictive Validity of Curriculum-Based Measurement and Teacher Ratings of Academic Achievement,” Ryan J. Kettler and Craig A. Albers, Journal of School Psychology, August 2013.

"The Temporal Expectations of Schooling and Literacy Learning," Catherine Compton-Lilly, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2013.

Can We Pay for Current Education Reform?,” Allan Odden, Principal Leadership, 2012.

On the Observational Implications of Taste-Based Discrimination in Racial Profiling,” William A. Brock, Jane Cooley, Steven N.Durlauf and Salvador Navarro, Journal of Econometrics, 2012.

Assumptions Matter: Model Uncertainty and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment,” Steven N. Durlauf, Chao Fu and Salvador Navarro-Lozano, American Economic Review, 2012.

Special Issue on Health Econometrics: Editors’ Introduction,” Badi H. Baltagi, Andrew M. Jones, Francesco Moscone and John Mullahy, Empirical Economics, 2012.

Regionalizing Postsecondary Education for the Twenty-first Century: Promising Innovations and Capacity Challenges,” L. Allen Phelps, New Directions for Community Colleges, 2012.

Community College-research University Collaboration: Emerging Student Research and Transfer Partnerships,” L. Allen Phelps and Amy Prevost, New Directions for Community Colleges, 2012.

The Nature and Use of Individualized Learning Plans as a Promising Career Intervention Strategy,” V. Scott Solberg, L. Allen Phelps, Kristin A. Haakenson, Julie F. Durham and Joe Timmons, Journal of Career Development, 2012.