Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

"The Temporal Expectations of Schooling and Literacy Learning," Catherine Compton-Lilly, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2013.

Can We Pay for Current Education Reform?,” Allan Odden, Principal Leadership, 2012.

On the Observational Implications of Taste-Based Discrimination in Racial Profiling,” William A. Brock, Jane Cooley, Steven N.Durlauf and Salvador Navarro, Journal of Econometrics, 2012.

Assumptions Matter: Model Uncertainty and the Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment,” Steven N. Durlauf, Chao Fu and Salvador Navarro-Lozano, American Economic Review, 2012.

Special Issue on Health Econometrics: Editors’ Introduction,” Badi H. Baltagi, Andrew M. Jones, Francesco Moscone and John Mullahy, Empirical Economics, 2012.

Regionalizing Postsecondary Education for the Twenty-first Century: Promising Innovations and Capacity Challenges,” L. Allen Phelps, New Directions for Community Colleges, 2012.

Community College-research University Collaboration: Emerging Student Research and Transfer Partnerships,” L. Allen Phelps and Amy Prevost, New Directions for Community Colleges, 2012.

The Nature and Use of Individualized Learning Plans as a Promising Career Intervention Strategy,” V. Scott Solberg, L. Allen Phelps, Kristin A. Haakenson, Julie F. Durham and Joe Timmons, Journal of Career Development, 2012.

The Nature and Use of Individualized Learning Plans as a Promising Career Intervention Strategy,” V. Scott Solberg, L. Allen Phelps, Kristin A. Haakenson, Julie F. Durham and Joe Timmons, Journal of Career Development, 2012.

The Coexistence of Natural and Supernatural Explanations Across Cultures and Development,” Cristine H. Legare, E. Margaret Evans, Karl S. Rosengren and Paul L. Harris, Child Development, 2012.

Gravity, God and Ghosts? Parents’ Beliefs in Science, Religion and the Paranormal and the Encouragement of Beliefs in Their Children,” Gregory S. Braswell, Karl Rosengren and Howard Berenbaum, International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2012.

Writing a Scientific Research (‘Testable’) Question: The First Step in Using Online Data Sets for Guided Inquiry Assignments,”
Chiron Graves and Sandra Rutherford, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2012.

Web 2.0 Literacy and Secondary Teacher Education,” Danielle Fahser-Herro and Constance Steinkuehler, Australian Educational Computing, 2012.

A Cross Case Analysis of Two Out-of-School Programs Based on Virtual Worlds,” Constance Steinkuehler, Esra Alagoz, Elizabeth King and Crystle Martin, International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 2012.

Role Playing Games for Scientific Citizenship,” Matthew J. Gaydos and Kurt D. Squire, Cultural Studies of Science Education, 2012.

Amplifications of Learning: Use of Mobile Media Devices Among Youth,” Kurt Squire and Seann Dikkers, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 2012.

A Case Study about Why It Can Be Difficult to Test Whether Propensity Score Analysis Works in Field Experiments,” William R. Shadish, Peter M. Steiner, Thomas D. Cook, Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences, 2012.

Estimating the Causal Effect of Randomization Versus Treatment Preference in a Doubly-randomized Preference Trial,” Sue M. Marcus, Elizabeth A. Stuart, Pei Wang, William R. Shadish and Peter M. Steiner, Psychological Methods, 2012.

Addressing Youth Depression in Schools: Evaluation of an In-service Training for School Staff,” Carmen R. Valdez and  Stephanie L. Budge, International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2012.

Balanced Mathematics: Increasing Participation through Differentiation,” Bridget Christenson and Anita A. Wager, Teaching Children Mathematics, 2012.