Working Papers
Including Recently Arrived English Learners in State Accountability Systems: An Empirical Illustration of Models
WCER Working Paper No. 2017-1 March 2017
Author(s): H. Gary Cook, Narek Sahakyan, and Robert Linquanti
Beyond the Skills Gap: How the Lack of Systemic Supports for Teaching and Learning Undermines Employer, Student, and Societal Interests
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-9 December 2016
Author(s): Matthew T. Hora, Ross J. Benbow, and Amanda K. Oleson
Interpretation and Use of K–12 Language Proficiency Assessment Score Reports: Perspectives of Educators and Parents
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-8 November 2016
Author(s): Ahyoung Alicia Kim, Akira Kondo, Alissa Blair, Lorena Mancilla, Mark Chapman, and Carsten Wilmes
Participatory Culture as a Model for How New Media Technologies Can Change Public Schools
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-7 October 2016
Author(s): Rich Halverson, Julie Kallio, Sarah Hackett, and Erica Halverson
Teacher Compensation: Standard Practices and Changes in Wisconsin
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-5 August 2016
Author(s): Steven M. Kimball, Herbert G. Heneman III, Robin Worth, Jessica Arrigoni, and Daniel Marlin
Examining How Faculty Reflect on Instructional Data: A Call for Critical Awareness and Institutional Support
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-4 August 2016
Author(s): Bailey B. Smolarek and Matthew T. Hora
Delivery of State-provided Predictive Analytics to Schools: Wisconsin’s DEWS and the Proposed EWIMS
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-3 July 2016
Author(s): Bill Clune and Jared Knowles
Gender and Belonging in Undergraduate Computer Science: A Comparative Case Study of Student Experiences in Gateway Courses
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-2 April 2016
Author(s): Ross J. Benbow and Erika Vivyan
Examining Preschool-aged Dual Language Learners’ Language Use: From a Functional Approach
WCER Working Paper No. 2016-1 March 2016
Author(s): Ahyoung Alicia Kim, Akira Kondo, and Mariana Castro
Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
WCER Working Paper No. 2015-09 December 2015
Author(s): Aydin Bal
Personalization in Practice: Observations from the Field
WCER Working Paper No. 2015-08 December 2015
Author(s): Rich Halverson, Al Barnicle, Sarah Hackett, Tanushree Rawat, Julia Rutledge, Julie Kallio, Curt Mould, and Janice Mertes
Leadership and Student Learning: Examining the Cause and Effect of Privilege- and Learning-centric Assignment Practices within Florida Schools
Working Paper No. 2015-07 October 2015
Author(s): Peter T. Goff and Gwendolyn S. Baxley
Studying the Study Section: How Collaborative Decision Making and Videoconferencing Affects the Grant Peer Review Process
Working Paper No. 2015-06 October 2015
Author(s): Elizabeth L. Pier, Joshua Raclaw, Mitchell J. Nathan, Anna Kaatz, Molly Carnes, and Cecilia E. Ford
Comparing CALL and VAL-ED: An Illustrative Application of a Decision Matrix for Selecting Among Leadership Feedback Instruments
WCER Working Paper No. 2015-05 October 2015
Author(s): Peter Goff, Jason Salisbury, and Mark Blitz
Timing Is Everything: Temporal Variation and Measures of School Quality
WCER Working Paper No. 2015-04 August 2015
Author(s): Peter T. Goff, Jihye Kam, and Jacek Kraszewski