Past Events

ITP | The Effects of Full-Day Prekindergarten: Experimental Evidence of Impacts on Children and Families

Dr. Allison Atteberry, University of Virginia

May 6, 2022, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

ITP | Reframing Design in Education: Preparing Teachers as Agents for Change

Douglas Clark, University of Calgary

April 29, 2022, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

WCER Lunch and Learn | 4K During a Pandemic: Stories from Dane County

CRECE researchers, WCER, UW−Madison

April 20, 2022, Noon-1 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences and Zoom

Carl A. Grant Scholars Lecture - Integrating Social Science and Behavioral Genetics to Understand the Antecedents and Consequences of Racial Discrimination

Dr. Juan Del Toro, Research Associate at the Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC), University of Pittsburgh

April 15, 2022, Noon to 1:30 p.m. Central Time, Educational Sciences Room 259

Carl A. Grant Scholars Lecture - Rethinking Racial Domination in Education: A Critical Approach

Quentin Wheeler-Bell, PhD, Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education, Indiana University

March 7, 2022, Noon to 1:00 p.m. Central Time, Educational Sciences Room 259 and on Zoom.

ITP | Advanced Placement Gatekeeping and Racialized Tracking (Online only)

Noah Hirschl, ITP Fellow

December 10, 2021, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

ITP | Mitigating the Effects of Invalid Survey Responses in Estimating LGBQ-heterosexual Youth Risk Disparities

Joseph Cimpian, New York University Steinhardt

October 8, 2021, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

Brown Bag Talk | Scripting the Moves; Culture & Control in a “No-Excuses” Charter School

Joanne Golann, Vanderbilt University

October 8, 2021, Noon-1 pm Central time, online only, Online

ITP | Partnerships in Times of Transition: Challenges and Opportunities

Carl Frederick, Annalee Good, Beth Vaade, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Center for Education Research, Madison Metropolitan School District

October 1, 2021, Noon-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

The Fugitive Life of Black Teaching: A History of Pedagogy and Power

Jarvis R. Givens, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Education Faculty Affiliate, African & African American Studies Harvard University

September 24, 2021, Noon-1pm, Wisconsin Idea Room - 159 Education Building, Zoom link:

ITP | Engaging Policymakers: Best Practices From Those Who Study It and Do It

Dr. Karen Bogenschneider, Rothermel-Bascom Professor Emeritus of Human Ecology, UW-Madison

September 24, 2021, 12-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

ITP | Access denied: The effect of geographic boundaries on White-Black gaps in access to educational opportunity

Dr. Peter Rich, Assistant Professor, Cornell University

September 17, 2021, 12-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

ITP | Higher Education and the Black-White Earnings Gap

Dr. Xiang Zhou, Harvard University

September 10, 2021, 12-1:30 pm Central Time, 259 Educational Sciences

CCWT | Panel discussion: College Students with Refugee Backgrounds Discuss Experiences with College and Careers

Matthew Wolfgram and panelists, Associate Researcher and Assistant Director, Center for Research on College to Workforce Transitions

May 25, 2021, 3 pm Central Time on Zoom, Zoom Virtual Presentation

CCWT | Participatory Research as Autoformación (Self-Education) and Consciousness Raising

Andrea Dyrness, University of Colorado Boulder

May 10, 2021, 4:30 pm Central Time on Zoom, ZOOM Virtual Presentation