Journal Articles
Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:
“Sleep Behavior and Unemployment Conditions,” Marina Antillón, Diane S.Lauderdale and John Mullahy, Economics & Human Biology, 2014.
“Actions Speak Louder with Words: The Roles of Action and Pedagogical Language for Grounding Mathematical Reasoning,” Mitchell J. Nathan, Candace Walkington, Rebecca Boncoddo, Elizabeth Pier, Caroline C. Williams and Martha W. Alibali, Learning and Instruction, 2014.
“How Should Intelligent Tutoring Systems Sequence Multiple Graphical Representations of Fractions? A Multi-Methods Study,” Martina Rau, V. Aleven, N. Rummel and Z. Pardos, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2014.
"The Development of Writing Habitus: A Ten-Year Case Study of a Young Writer," Catherine Compton-Lilly, Written Communication, 1–33 2014 SAGE Publications, 2014.
“Fighting Fires without Falling: Effects of Equipment Design and Fatigue on Firefighter's Balance and Gait,” Karl S. Rosengren, Elizabeth T. Hsiao-Wecksler and Gavin P. Horn, Ecological Psychology, 2014.
“Affective Dimensions of Death: Children’s Books, Questions, and Understandings,” Isabel T. Gutiérrez, Peggy J. Miller, Karl S. Rosengren and Stevie S. Schein, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2014.
“Cognitive Models of Death,” Karl S. Rosengren, Isabel T. Gutierrez, and Stevie S. Schein, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2014.
“Cognitive Dimensions of Death in Context,” Karl S. Rosengren, Isabel T. Gutiérrez and Stevie S. Schein, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2014.
“Mexican American Immigrants in the Centerville Region: Teachers, Children, and Parents,” Isabel T. Gutiérrez, Karl S. Rosengren and Peggy J. Miller, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 2014.
“Stop Talking and Type: Comparing Virtual and Face-to-Face Mentoring in an Epistemic Game,” E.A. Bagley and David Williamson Shaffer, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2014.
“Epistemic Persistence: A Simulation-based Approach to Increasing Participation of Women in Engineering,” Golnaz Arastoopour, Naomi C. Chesler and David Williamson Shaffer, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 2014.
“Technology and the New Professionalization of Teaching,” David Williamson Shaffer, Padraig Nash, and A.R. Ruis, Teachers College Record, 2014.
“Seeing Change in Time: Video Games to Teach about Temporal Change in Scientific Phenomena,” Javier Corredor, Matthew Gaydos and Kurt Squire, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2014.
“Participatory Scaling Through Augmented Reality Learning Through Local Games,” John Martin, Seann Dikkers, Kurt Squire and David Gagnon, Tech Trends, 2014.
“Experimental Vignette Studies in Survey Research,” Christiane Atzmüller and Peter M. Steiner, European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences: Methodology, 2014.
“The String Task: Not Just for High School,” Isil Isler, Tim Marum, Ana Stephens, Maria Blanton, Eric Knuth and Angela Murphy Gardiner, Teaching Children Mathematics, 2014.
“Middle School Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Equations: Evidence from Writing Story Problems,” Martha W Alibali, Ana C Stephens, Alayna N Brown, Yvonne S Kao and Mitchell J Nathan, International Journal of Educational Psychology, 2014.
“Noticing Children’s Participation: Insights into Teacher Positionality Toward Equitable Mathematics Pedagogy,” Anita A. Wager, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2014.
“Postsecondary Co-enrollment and Baccalaureate Completion: A Look at Both Beginning 4-year College Students and Baccalaureate Aspirants Beginning at Community Colleges,” Xueli Wang and Kelly Wickersham, Research in Higher Education, 2014.
“Teacher Reported Use of Reading Instructional Approaches in Midwestern Juvenile Correctional Facilities,” Min-Chi Yan and Kimber L. Wilkerson, Journal of Correctional Education, 2014.