Journal Articles
Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:
“Improving Transition Behaviors in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Interventions in Educational Settings,” Jenna Lequia, Kimber L. Wilkerson, Sunyoung Kim and Gregory L. Lyons, Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 2014.
“Out of Our Comfort Zones: Reflections about Teaching Qualitative Research at a Distance,” Cheryl A. Hunter, Debora Hinderliter Ortloff and Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, The Qualitative Report, 2014.
“Earning Autonomy While Maintaining Family Ties: Black Women’s Reflections on the Transition Into College,” Sheena Kennedy and Rachelle Winkle-Wagner, NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education, 2014.
“Organization Matters: Mental Organization of Addition Knowledge Relates to Understanding Math Equivalence in Symbolic Form,” Dana L. Chesney, Nicole M. McNeil, Percival G. Matthews, Caroline E. Byrd, Lori A. Petersen, Mary C. Wheeler, Emily R. Fyfe and April E. Dunwiddie, Cognitive Development, 2014.
“The Other Half of the Story: Effect Size Analysis in Quantitative Research,” Jessica Middlemis Maher, Jonathan C. Markey and Diane Ebert-May, Life Sciences Education, 2014.
“The What Works Clearinghouse Single-Case Design Pilot Standards: Who Will Guard the Guards?,”John H. Hitchcock, Robert H. Horner, Thomas R. Kratochwill, Joel R. Levin, Samuel L. Odom, David M. Rindskopf and William R. Shadish, Remedial and Special Education, 2014.
“Second-Generation Challenges for Making Content Assessments Accessible for ELLs,” Rebecca Kopriva, Applied Measurement in Education, 2014.
“Engaging Students in Functional Thinking,” Isil Isler, Tim Marum, Ana Stephens, Maria Blanton, Eric Knuth, and Angela Murphy Gardiner, Teaching Children Mathematics, 2014.
“Does Exercise Induce Hypoalgesia through Conditioned Pain Modulation?” Daniel M. Bolt, Yi Lu, Jee-Seon Kim, Psychological Methods, 2014.
“A CALL for Improved School Leadership,” Richard Halverson, Carolyn Kelley, and James Shaw, Kappan, 2014
“Bayesian Model for Averaging for Propensity Score Analysis,” David Kaplan and Jianshen Chen, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2014.
“Temporal Dynamics of Categorization: Forgetting as the Basis of Abstraction and Generalization,” Haley A. Vlach and Charles W. Kalish, Frontiers in Psychology, 2014.
“Drift in Children’s Categories: When Experienced Distributions Conflict with Prior Learning,” Charles W. Kalish, XiaoJin Zhu and Timothy T. Rogers, Developmental Science, 2014.
"Supporting the Pathway to the Professoriate: A Descriptive Overview of a Faculty Development Program,” Jerlando Jackson, Journal of Faculty Development, 2014.
“Approximating Glass Ceiling Effects Using Cross-Sectional Data,” Jerlando Jackson, New Directions for Institutional Research, 2014.
“The Organization of Special Reference Frames Involved in the SNARC Effect,” Arnaud Viarouge, Edward M. Hubbard and Stanislas Dehaene, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2014.
“The Cognitive Mechanisms of the SNARC Effect: An Individual Differences Approach,” Arnaud Viarouge, Edward M. Hubbard, Bruce D. McCandliss, PLOS One, 2014.
“Associative Learning Alone is Insufficient for the Evolution and Maintenance of the Human Mirror Neuron System,” Lindsay M. Oberman, Edward M. Hubbard and Joseph P. McCleery, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2014.
“Remeasuring Postsecondary Teaching: How Singular Categories of Instruction Obscure the Multiple Dimensions of Classroom Practice,” Matthew T. Hora and Joseph J. Ferrare, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2014.
“Teaching the Way They Were Taught? Revisiting the Sources of Teaching Knowledge and the Role of Prior Experience in Shaping Faculty Teaching Practices,” Amanda Oleson and Matthew T. Hora, Higher Education, 2014.