Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Drift in Children’s Categories: When Experienced Distributions Conflict with Prior Learning,” Charles W. Kalish, XiaoJin Zhu and Timothy T. Rogers, Developmental Science, 2014.

"Supporting the Pathway to the Professoriate: A Descriptive Overview of a Faculty Development Program,” Jerlando Jackson, Journal of Faculty Development, 2014.

Approximating Glass Ceiling Effects Using Cross-Sectional Data,” Jerlando Jackson, New Directions for Institutional Research, 2014.

The Organization of Special Reference Frames Involved in the SNARC Effect,” Arnaud Viarouge, Edward M. Hubbard and Stanislas Dehaene, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2014.

The Cognitive Mechanisms of the SNARC Effect: An Individual Differences Approach,” Arnaud Viarouge, Edward M. Hubbard, Bruce D. McCandliss, PLOS One, 2014.

Associative Learning Alone is Insufficient for the Evolution and Maintenance of the Human Mirror Neuron System,” Lindsay M. Oberman, Edward M. Hubbard and Joseph P. McCleery, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2014.

Remeasuring Postsecondary Teaching: How Singular Categories of Instruction Obscure the Multiple Dimensions of Classroom Practice,” Matthew T. Hora and Joseph J. Ferrare, Journal of College Science Teaching, 2014.

Teaching the Way They Were Taught? Revisiting the Sources of Teaching Knowledge and the Role of Prior Experience in Shaping Faculty Teaching Practices,” Amanda Oleson and Matthew T. Hora, Higher Education, 2014.

Limitations in Experimental Design Mean that the Jury is Still Out on Lecturing,” Matthew T. Hora, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014.

Exploring Faculty Beliefs about Student Learning and Their Role in Instructional Decision-Making,” Matthew T. Hora, Review of Higher Education, 2014.

State Higher Education Performance Funding: Data, Outcomes, and Policy Implications,” David A. Tandberg and Nicholas W. Hillman, Journal of Education Finance, 2014.

College on Credit: A Multilevel Analysis of Student Loan Default,” Nicholas W. Hillman, The Review of Higher Education, 2014.

Financing College Opportunities: An Analysis of Factors Influencing State Spending on Student Aid and Campus Appropriations from 1990-2010,” Nicholas W. Hillman, David A. Tandberg and Jacob P. K. Gross, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2014.

Market-based Education: Does Colorado’s Voucher Model Improve Higher Education Access and Efficiency?Nicholas W. Hillman, David A. Tandberg and Jacob P. K. Gross, Research in Higher Education, 2014.

Performance Funding in Higher Education: Do Financial Incentives Impact College Completions?Nicholas W. Hillman, David A. Tandberg and Jacob P.K. Gross, Journal of Higher Education, 2014.

Leadership and Design of Data-Driven Professional Networks in Schools,” Yi-Hwa Liou, Jeffrey Grigg and Richard Halverson, International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 2014.

The Maker Movement in Education,” Erica Rosenfeld Halverson and Kimberly Sheridan, Harvard Educational Review, 2014.

What Makes a Youth-produced Film Good? The Youth Audience Perspective,” Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, Damiana Gibbons, Shelby Copeland, Alon Andrews, Belen Hernando Llorens and  Michelle B. Bass, Learning, Media and Technology, 2014.

Moving Beyond ‘Good/Bad’ Student Accountability Measures: Multiple Perspectives of Accountability,” Colleen A. Capper, Madeline M. Hafner, Maureen W. Keyes, Journal of School Leadership, 2014

Interpreting Community College Effects in the Presence of Heterogeneity and Complex Counterfactuals,” Jennie E. Brand, Fabian T. Pfeffer and Sara Goldrick-Rab, Sociological Science, 2014.