Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

Measure for Measure: What Combining Diverse Measures Reveals about Children’s Understanding of the Equal Sign as an Indicator of Mathematical Equality,” Percival Matthews, Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Katherine McEldoon and Roger Taylor, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 2012.

It Pays to be Organized: Organizing Arithmetic Practice around Equivalent Values Facilitates Understanding of Math Equivalence,” Nicole M. McNeil, Dana L. Chesney, Percival G. Matthews, Emily R. Fyfe,  Lori A. Petersen, April E. Dunwiddie and Mary C. Wheeler, Journal of Educational Psychology, 2012.

Advancing STEM Undergraduate Learning: Preparing the Nation’s Future Faculty,” Christine Pfund , Robert Mathieu, Ann Austin, Mark Connolly, Brian Manske and Katie Moore, Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 2012.

Nonparametric Statistical Tests for Single-case Systematic and Randomized ABAB … AB and Alternating Treatment Intervention Designs: New Developments, New Directions,” Joel R. Levin, John M. Ferron and Thomas R. Kratochwill, Journal of School Psychology, 2012.

Synthesizing Single-Case Research to Identify Evidence-Based Practices: Some Brief Reflections,” Robert H. Horner and Thomas R. Kratochwill, Journal of Behavioral Education, 2012.

Children, Research, and Public Policy,” Thomas R. Kratochwill, School Psychology Review, 2012.

Single-Case Intervention Research Design Standards,” Thomas R. Kratochwill, John H. Hitchcock, Robert H. Horner, Joel R. Levin, Samuel L. Odom, David M. Rindskopf and William R. Shadish, Remedial and Special Education, 2012.

Investigating Stage-sequential Growth Mixture Models with Multiphase Data,” Su-Young Kim and Jee-Seon Kim, Structural Equation Modeling, 2012.

Does Evaluation Advance Teaching Practice? The Effects of Performance Evaluation on Teaching Quality and System Change in Large Diverse High Schools,” Victoria J. Maslow and Carolyn J. Kelley, Journal of School Leadership, 2012.

Compliance, Opposition, and Behavior Problems in Toddlers Born Preterm or Lower Birthweight,” J., Poehlmann, A.M. Schwichtenberg, E. Hahn, K. Miller, J. Dilworth-Bart, David Kaplan and S. Maleck, Infant Mental Health Journal, 2012.

A Two-Step Bayesian Approach for Propensity Score Analysis: Simulations and Case Study,” David Kaplan and Jianshen Chen, Psychometrika, 2012.

The Role of Parental Language Acculturation in the Formation of Social Capital: Differential Effects on High-Risk Children,” Carmen R. Valdez, Monique T. Mills, Amanda J. Bohlig, David Kaplan, Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 2012.

The Process of Creation: A Novel Methodology for Analyzing Multimodal Data,” Erica Rosenfeld Halverson, Michelle Bass and
David Woods, The Qualitative Report, 2012.

Generalizing Norms and Preferences within Social Categories and Individuals,” Charles W. Kalish, Developmental Psychology, 2012.

How Young Children Learn From Examples: Descriptive and Inferential Problems,” Charles W. Kalish, Sunae Kim, Andrew G. Young, Cognitive Science, 2012.

Organizational Factors and Instructional Decision-Making: A Cognitive Perspective,” Matthew Tadashi Hora, Review of Higher Education, 2012.

Perceived Norms for Interactive Teaching and Their Relationship to Instructional Decision-Making: A Mixed Methods Study,” Matthew T. Hora and Craig Anderson, Higher Education, 2012.

Tuition Discounting for Revenue Management,Nicholas W. Hillman, Research in Higher Education, 2012.

Preparing for the Silver Tsunami: The Demand for Higher Education among Older Adults,” Ty M. Cruce and Nicholas W. Hillman, Research in Higher Education, 2012.

The Impact of State Appropriations and Grants on Access to Higher Education and Outmigration,” Robert K. Toutkoushian and Nicholas W. Hillman, Review of Higher Education, 2012.