Journal Articles

Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:

The Relationship between Parent Expectations and Postschool Outcomes of Adolescents with Disabilities,” Bonnie Doren, Jeff M. Gau and Lauren E. Lindstrom, Exceptional Children, 2012.

The Influence of Instructional Settings in Reading and Math on Postsecondary Participation,” Allison Lombardi, Bonnie Doren, Jeff M. Gau and Lauren E. Lindstrom, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 2012.

Effects of Working at Gaining Employment Skills on the Social and Vocational Skills of Adolescents with Disabilities: A School-Based Intervention,” Christopher Murray and Bonnie Doren, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 2012.

A Framework and Strategies for Advancing Change and Innovation in Two-Year Colleges,” Christopher J. Matheny and Clifton Conrad, Advancing the Regional Role of Two-Year Colleges, 2012.

Analyzing Epistemological Considerations Related to Diversity: An Integrative Critical Literature Review of Family Literacy Scholarship,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Rebecca Rogers and Tisha Y. Lewis, Reading Research Quarterly, 2012.

Views from the Field: Bradford Holt and How Money Matters in Learning to Read,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Wisconsin English Journal, 2012.

A Book Review: Literacy for All Students,” Catherine Compton-Lilly, Teachers College Record, 2012.

A Qualitative Investigation of African Americans’ Decision to Pursue Computing Science Degrees: Implications for Career Choice and Aspiration,” LaVar J. Charleston, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2012.

Proposing a Core Set of Instructional Practices and Tools for Teachers of Science,” Mark Windschitl, Jessica Thompson, Melissa Braaten and David Stroupe, Science Education, 2012.

Gross Motor Development in Children Adopted from Orphanage Settings,” BJ Roeber, CL Tober, Daniel M. Bolt and SD Pollak, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 2012.

Application of a Multidimensional Nested Logit Model to Multiple-Choice Test Items,” Daniel M. Bolt, James A. Wollock and Youngsuk Suh, Psychometrika, 2012.

Why Two Smoking Cessation Agents Work Better Than One: Role of Craving Suppression,” Daniel M. Bolt, Megan E. Piper, Wendy E. Theobald and Timothy B. Baker, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2012.

For Whom is Argument and Explanation a Necessary Distinction? A Response to Osborne and Patterson,” Leema K. Berland and Katherine L. McNeill, Science Education, 2012.

In Pursuit of Consensus: Disagreement and Legitimization During Small-Group Argumentation,” Leema K. Berland and Victor R. Lee, International Journal of Science and Education, 2012.

Engaging Students in the Scientific Practices of Explanation and Argumentation,” Brian J. Reiser, Leema K. Berland and Lisa Kenyon, Science and Children, 2012.

Students’ Framings and Their Participation in Scientific Argumentation,” Leema K. Berland and David Hammer, in "Perspectives on Scientific Argumentation," edited by Myint Swe Khine, 2012.

Negotiating STEM Epistemic Commitments for Engineering Design Challenges,” Leema K. Berland and Kirstin C. Busch, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2012.

Developing a Vision of Pre-College Engineering Education,” Jill A. Marshall and Leema K. Berland, Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 2012.

AMOEBA: Mining How Students Learn to Program Together,” Matthew Berland, Tom Benton, Carmen Petrick and Taylor Martin, Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2012.

Understanding Strategic Boardgames as Computational-Thinking Training Machines,” Matthew Berland, International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2012.