Journal Articles
Recent publications authored by WCER researchers include:
“Triangulating Learning in Board Games,” Sean C. Duncan and Matthew Berland, Games, Learning and Society Conference Proceedings, 2012.
“IPRO: A Mobile, Social Programming Game for iOS,” Matthew Berland, Taylor Martin, Tom Benton and Carmen Petrick-Smith, Games, Learning and Society Conference Proceedings, 2012.
“Becoming an Expert Boardgamer: A Quantitative Exploration,” Matthew Berland, Games, Learning and Society Conference Proceedings, 2012.
“The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study of Doctoral & Postdoctoral Teaching Development: Key Findings,” Ross Benbow, Derria Byrd and Mark R. Connolly, Longitudinal Study of Future STEM Scholars, 2011.
“The Reasons Behind Early Adolescents’ Responses to Peer Victimization,” Amy Bellmore, W.T. Chen and E. Rischall, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 2012.
“South-South Migration and Education: The Case of People of Haitian Descent Born in the Dominican Republic,” Lesley Bartlett, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2012.
“Comparative Pedagogies and Epistemological Diversity: Social and Materials Contexts of Teaching in Tanzania,” Frances Vavrus and Lesley Bartlett, Comparative Education Review, 2012.
“Placement of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students in Programs for Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Contemporary Trends and Research Needs,” Alfredo J. Artiles, Aydin Bal, Stanley C. Trent, Kathleen King Thorius, Advances in Special Education, 2012.
“Constructing Graphical Representations: Middle Schoolers’ Intuitions and Developing Knowledge About Slope and Y-intercept,” Shanta Hattikudur, Richard W. Prather, Pamela Asquith, Martha W. Alibali, Eric J. Knuth and Mitchell Nathan, School Science and Mathematics, 2012.
“Embodied Social Thought: Linking Social Concepts, Emotion, and Gesture,” Autumn B. Hostetter, Martha W. Alibali and Paula M. Niedenthal, The SAGE Handbook of Social Cognition, 2012.
“Disagreement and Causal Learning: Others’ Hypotheses Affect Children’s Evaluations of Evidence,” Andrew G. Young, Martha W. Alibali and Charles W. Kalish, Developmental Psychology, 2012.
“Using Flashcard Drill Methods and Self-Graphing Procedures to Improve the Reading Performance of English Language Learners,” Craig A. Albers and Alicia Hoffman, Journal of Applied School Psychology, 2012.
“Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment for ELLs with Significant Disabilities: Validity Evidence from Alignment with English Language Proficiency Standards,” Craig A. Albers, The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, April 2012.
“Ecologies of Education Quality,” Elizabeth Graue, Katherine Delaney and Anne Karch in Education Policy Analysis Archives, 2012.
“Reinventing School Finance: Falling Forward,” Lawrence O. Picus and Allan Odden, Peabody Journal of Education, 2011.
“The Dollars and Sense of Comprehensive Professional Learning,” Allan Odden, Journal of Staff Development, 2011.
“Improving Teaching and Learning When Budgets are Tight,” Allan Odden and Lawrence O. Picus, Phi Delta Kappan, 2011.
“Schools Can Still Improve,” Allan Odden Educational Leadership, 2011.
“Editor's Introduction: Symposium on Genetic Data in Health Economics Research,” John Mullahy, Heath Economics, 2011.
“Understanding Socioeconomic and Racial Differences in Adult Lung Function,” David Van Sickle, Sheryl Magzamen and John Mullahy, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2011.