Working Papers
Desegregation and the Achievement Gap: Do Diverse Peers Help?
WCER Working Paper No. 2010-3 February 2010
Author(s): Jane Cooley
Artistic Production Processes as Venues for Positive Youth Development
WCER Working Paper No. 2010-2 February 2010
Author(s): Erica Halverson
Designing and Testing Evaluation Tools to Inform Foundation Education Reforms and Build Grantee Capacity
WCER Working Paper No. 2010-1 January 2010
Author(s): Steven M. Kimball, Rachel Lander, Christopher A. Thorn, with Katie Herrem
Can Achievement Peer Effect Estimates Inform Policy? A View from Inside the Black Box
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-8 September 2009
Author(s): Jane Coole
The Development of Habitus Over Time
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-7 August 2009
Author(s): Catherine Compton-Lilly
Tracking and Inequality: New Directions for Research and Practice
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-6 August 2009
Author(s): Adam Gamoran
A Final Case Study of SCALE Activities at California State University, Northridge: How Institutional Context Influenced a K–20 STEM Education Change Initiative
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-5 June 2009
Author(s): Matthew T. Hora and Susan B. Millar
The Challenges of Producing Evidence-Based Claims: An Exploratory Study of NSF's Math and Science Partnership Community
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-4 June 2009
Author(s): Matthew T. Hora, Susan B. Millar, Jessica Arrigoni, and Kerry Kretchmar
Middle School Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Equations: Evidence From Writing Story Problems
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-3 April 2009
Author(s): Martha W. Alibali, Alayna N. Brown, Ana C. Stephens, Yvonne S. Kao, and Mitchell J. Nathan
District-Wide Reform of Mathematics and Science Instruction: Case Studies of Four SCALE Partner Districts
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-2 March 2009
Author(s): William H. Clune
Instituting Change in Classroom Discourse Structure: Human and Computer-Based Motif Analysis
WCER Working Paper No. 2009-1 February 2009
Author(s): Mitchell J. Nathan , Suyeon Kim and Timothy S. Grant
Policy Effectiveness of Interim Assessments in Providence Public Schools
WCER Working Paper No. 2008-10 October 2008
Author(s): William H. Clune and Paula A. White
Learning to Read Across Time: Negotiations and Affiliations of a Reader, Grades 1-8
WCER Working Paper No. 2008-9 October 2008
Author(s): Catherine Compton-Lilly
A Final Case Study of SCALE Activities at UW-Madison: The Influence of Institutional Context on a K-20 STEM Education Change Initiative
WCER Working Paper No. 2008-6 September 2008
Author(s): Matthew T. Hora and Susan B. Millar
Students' Conceptual Metaphors Influence Their Statistical Reasoning About Confidence Intervals
WCER Working Paper No. 2008-5 August 2008
Author(s): Timothy Grant and Mitchell J. Nathan