WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional development for educators.

Everything we do at WIDA revolves around the significance of academic language and how to empower language learners to reach for success.

Follow the website link below to find some of our guiding documents, academic references, and efforts to share this message with the educational community. Browse the rest of the site to learn more about our specific vision of academic language instruction and assessment.


Timothy Boals


Drake Accardi
Samuel Aguirre
Jen Aleckson
Lodee Arnold
Hetal Ascher
Erica Avila
Karen Bach
Annemarie Banas
Lauren Bartholomae
Matthew Basler
Deedric Bauer
Franchesca Beswick
Anshika Bhasin
Kei Bishop
Patricia Blanco
Ken Bond
Masha Bubela
Heather Buettner
Andrew Bunton
Aaron Burreson
Kristen Burton
Jorge Cardona
Daisy Chang
Mark Chapman
Swati Chauhan
Justine Chien
Laurene Christensen
Miguel Colon-Ortiz
H Gary Cook
Gabriella Costa
Elizabeth Cranley
Delis Cuellar Klitzke
Janessa Davis
Beth DeVito
Shannon DeWitt
Danielle Downey
Elise Duskin
Heather Elliott
Brandy Fagan
John Fischer
Christine Flynn
Cathlin Foy
Selena Franklin
Ellie Frazier
Megan Frisbee
Michele Furman
Jordan Gallant
Stephanie Gibson
Jonathan Gibson
Alexis Glick
Rosalie Grant
Kristin Graw
Leslie Grimm
Syed Hadi
Lori Hanna
Hannah Haynes
Sharon Head
Analleli Hernández
Julia Hirscher
Kelsey Hughey
Evan Jellings
Mason Jellings
Andrew Kahn
Hacer Karamese
Jason Kemp
Alicia Kim
Justine Kolb
Kelly Krahenbuhl
Nicholas Kraninger
Teresa Krastel
Amy Kucharik
Emily Kurth
Sooyong Lee
Jay Lema
Kimberly LeSage
Grace Li
Regina LiDonne
Sara Lieburn
Anne Lies
Drew Linkon
David MacGregor
Veronica Machak
Dan Machmeier
Fabiana MacMillan
Laura Marshall
Maya Martinez-Hart
Rachel Maske
Grazzia Mendoza
Andrea Mercado
Alissa Metzler
Andree Miller
Terri Mossgrove
Edith Nava
Christina Nelson
Craig Neuroth
Marcy Olson
Ozgur Ozdemir
Hannah Park
Melissa Paton
Christopher Paulus
Sharon Pearce
Luis Perea-Hernandez
Joy Pfeiffer
Fatima Tasneem Qazi
Rebecca Quigley
Sabrina Read
Andrew Reichert
Kimberly Reles
Anna Rhoad-Drogalis
Alisa Rhoads
Fatima Rivera
Erika Rosales
Narek Sahakyan
Edynn Sato
Rebecca Sawyer
Katie Schultz
Jena Sebald
Lynn Shafer Willner
Vitaliy Shyyan
Courtney Skare
Amanda Spalter
Katharine Stenz
Kristopher Stewart
Xatli Stox
Rhonda Stravinski
Rachele Stucker
Amy Sturino
Barb Tomashek-Ditter
Daniela Tovar
Merideth Trahan
Janet Trembley
Meg Van Voorhis
Kimberly Varnell
Elizabeth Warren
Molly Waugh
Gordon West
Benjamin Wheeler-Floyd
Tara White
Jennifer Wilfrid
Emma Wright
Elise Wright
Kasey Wyatt
Lauren Young

Project Website



Active through December 31, 2099

Contact Information

Phone: (866) 276-7735